A post of meander – For all, for algorithm, and for the pursuit of the sublime...211123 -1

in blurtpolitics •  10 months ago 

I'm playing nurse today! ( I've stolen Lucy's little uniform, and have donned it for todays duties).


Sophia had a good night's sleep, with pretty much zero nasal erution of the bloody type.
She's a bit listless, bless; but it;s only to be expected I guess. Two days of almost no food and what must now add up to quite a bit of blood loss, is bound to leave her with no energy.
And so my job today is to fuck those pills right off, and tempt her with whatever nibbles takes her fancy, to get her appetite back and give her some energy.
With a bit of luck, she'll be bouncing around and annoying the shit out of me very soon!

....So with my nursing duties laid out before me for the day, and with more time to wax lyrical and to pursue the 'stream of consciousness' experiment, I will endevor to add to the pages of a block chain with no direction.
To quote a line from an irish band of the 80' (The Pale), 'She's a dog with no tail, no sense of direction, slightly deraile, not scared of affection'

Affection ? Hmmm – not really.
A blockchain has no emotion, so affection doesnt com einto it, does it?
Sure you can affection for the platform itself, but where would this emotional attachment com from?
Computer code?
Some A.I generated low quality gobbledygook to garner some tokens that would make a three years old autistic child’s outburst sound well structured, and meaningful ?
No, affection – which is upstream of loyalty - comes from a sense of belonging, of appreciation, of being part of something.

For the very few remaining organic content creators on this platform who made be reading this, I think we can all clearly see that in terms of 'affection', then DpoS social media platforms have fallen very very short.
NO affection, no loyalty.
Just algorithms.
Speaking of algorithms and their effects of dumbing down everything – why do @blurtbooster upvote utter bilge, A.I generated idiocy, and boring content ?
Why does blurtbooster have a blacklist for accounts that add value to a platform that is becoming more mundane by the day?
This is rhetorical question of course - we all know why. It as nothing to to with content, and all to do with unresolved childish perspectives and the inability to grow up, deal with ego crushing realizations, and move on.

With the introduction of the ctime initiative, and decimation of any rewards for those with little blurt power - some things are, to me - becoming blindingly obvious.


Before I share my thoughts with you about all of that, I must point out to all the great human beings that appreciate the work and effort that go into compiling interesting, controversial, funny, posts – this is none of those.
This is a word salad diatribe that is going nowhere, just filling in pixels to satisy algorithms.
Algorithms that cannot detect a work of Shakespeare from a works of a drunk,scribbling lewd messages inside a nightclub toilet cubicle.

Algorithms have no affection, no pursuit of the sublime.
Just data collection Not good or bad data - just data.
In terms of blockchian there are two main reasons , imo.
The first one is to keep the DPoS block chain moving. It's a bit like a shark (oh, the socialist parasitical comparisons just scream to discussed with that imagery but no – not yet) .
Suffice it to say that, just like a shark – the blockchain HAS to keep producing blocks to survive (not my summation, bitcoin.com's).
It is a different breed of shark that POW (proof of work).
'Not moving', not producing blocks, means death - so it incentives those who run the block chain to keep pumping out data.
Any data will do, the message is unimportant - No data means death.
It's the opposite of 'the message is what matters, not the messenger' – instead, becoming a block chain functionality depending on, 'the messenger,' and 'not the message'.
The message it totally irrelevant, as I'm hoping to show on this post of word salad and
Talk about a fucked up system.
When coding technocrats with a false sense of self, run the asylum, the result is predetermined, in my opinion.
So much for building affection and loyalty into a platform.
Then again, this is not something that socially inpet individuals even see .
When the social skills of an introvert and coder are expounded onto a social media platform (the code and ethos is an extension of that personally trait, nothing more), what can you expect ?
I'll be coming back to this issue in much more detail. (I would suggest a safe space for some people who might reading this upcoming dissection).

The second (main reason) for algorithms deciding anything, is a lack of 'openness', 'extroversion', and too much in the 'agreeableness' department in the personality traits of those that write the code – MUCH more about that later).
This lacklustre (lack of creativity/low score in the 'openness' trait) approach, one relying on technology, not creativity and 'people with personality' is understandable from the that perspective.
What I see as 'fun and interesting', those will low creativity, high agreeableness, and introversion (as well, I would posit – a high scores in neuroticism), would – FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE BASED ON HARWIRED PERSONALITY TRAITS – See as 'offensive', 'rude', 'argumentative', 'impolite', 'not funny'....You know, all the things that make succesful social media platforms, well – function!


As time progresses, from steem up until now – it doesn't take a rocket scientist to observe the downward trends, (token price), and the more, and more, blatant parasitical manoeuvrings to extract value.
(the low scoring on the 'openness' trait means that qualities such as 'vision' are not present. It's all about taking from a forever dwindling ecosystem, no matter how self destructive this will be – for themselves and those legitimate creators trying to make something of the shitshow that is DPOS.

Perspectives are built on personality traits.
Personality traits are, to all intents and purposes- hard-wired, and immutable.
Yes, you can 'expand' the width of those traits through behaviours, but the underlying 'central point' will remain. (for example, if you are introverted you can,through exposing yourself to more extroverted friendly environments, like social gatherings, become more comfortable in those surroundings and feel (and give the appearance of), being more extroverted.
The underlying 'introversion' personality trait does not change.

So, if perspectives are built on top of the traits, and the traits of the computer coder geek are in direct opposition to what is required on a vibrant social media platform – what's gonna happen, do you think ? (see the state of steem, hive and blurt for a living example).

As more authoritarian edicts are implemented to try and CONTROL the narrative – One against open debate, conflicting ideas, and humor (all the things that can be totally alien to the 'high in introversion', 'low in openness', and 'high in neuroticism', individual), the platforms strangle themselves of genuine creatives, contraversial opinions, and 'offensive' humor.
It's inevitable, and again, totally observable in the evolution of 'the three' DpoS block chains.

In my opinion, the increased tribalism within the platforms themselves, is a result of increased desperation.
They' want the wealth that comes with increased token price, but 'they' see that coming form algorithms, and 'data' – any data'.
Normally functioning human beings who are NOT made up of those peronality traits in the same ratio's – see this as completely nuts, devoid of character, and more boring than waiting for a libtard to say something original.
The desperation comes from seeing the contraction of value (either via token price or lack of interest - but they can;t for the life of them, work out why that is).
Rather than expansion, aggression in the market place, and carving out something unique,
Those with the personality traits high in agreeableness and low in in openness , see 'go along to get along', 'don't create waves', 'don;t stand out' as the optimal, rational, most intligent route to success. (while peopl einthe relaworl, know the opposite to be true.
And so things like the whitelist (actually a blacklist) emerge.
Consolidation and echo chambers to confirm their own bias is the correct one.
It's laughable.

I'll leave this word salad diatribe here, for now – this was a low effort, high data post – simply to show the pursuit of the sublime is irrelevant to the algorithm.
An algorithm cannot laugh, love or appreciate.

An algorithm is the dead extension of a personality who thinks data is king, not quality of information.
That should work out really well in working towards a vibrant community – not.

The 'crabs in the bucket' mentality is the socialist wet dream, with the rich ones looking into the bucket, as the producers try their best.
THEY like algorithms.

'they would rather see the world burn, rather than admit they were wrong'


That saying above, just about sums up the personality traits (and weak ego formation), of those that pull the levers of the block chain.

Some life hacks (or rather blockchain hacks), coming up – to maximise rewards for the producers...

But first – 'breakfast in bed' and a hug for my doggie.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Has there ever been a good social media platform for more than one year?

Steemit and Hive were both pretty good for about six months, and that is all I can think of...

Hope your pooch is improving

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Hope your pooch is improving

Indeed she is matey, thanks! (now nibbling on food and the nose bleeding is virtually zero, just tired I think from last two days of bleeding out).

I binned the pharma! lol

DPoS can NEVER be good for soicla media - the power hungry smoothbrians have the EXACT opposite mindset/personality traits required for a meritocratically oriented platform. It;s baked in, I'm afraid.

I'll do a post on this and break it down (was going to do anyways)... it's very easy to see why...

....Go on twatter, you can have a great laugh, a great argument, and intelligent discussions as well! (as opposed to the grey, boring, 'safe', shite on the blockchain)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org