Bees Haiku Challenge: Moonlight

in blurtpoem •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Ethereal light,
I stare at you constantly.
This is lunacy.

It's time for another haiku challenge, my friends. And @beelightfully has the perfect one planned, inviting us to write a haiku about moonlight. Here's the link with the details. Please participate if you can.

In the piece above, I was thinking about the Moongazer which is a bit of Guyanese folklore, a tall, mythical character who, legend had it, would come out at night and stand and stare at the moon. The pun on the word lunacy was also intentional as I played with Aristotle's theory that the moon influenced the human mind.

And most of all, my friends, I was influenced by the following poem I had written previously titled, A Letter to the Man in the Moon.

A Letter to the Man in the Moon

Dear lover,
I think I'm breaking up with you.
I'm tired of lying beneath you and staring at you above me,
Trying to stamp your ethereal beauty
On my consciousness.

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I don't want to feel like this.
Trying to trace your features,
Heart sinking when my outstretched fingers can't touch you,
Knowing that I am doomed to forever stare at you,
But never reach you.

People say it's lunacy,
Me thinking of you constantly
While three quarts of the time you play hide and seek with me.
I'm done with you.

I'm done with you pulling at the tide of my heart strings
And then tap dancing while every fiber of my being is bleeding.
I'm down here howling,
My hot tears an offering
While yours are forever cold.

Dear lover, I'm gone.
Our clandestine dates are done.
I've found love in the arms of another one.
He keeps me on my toes and you on the run.
He's marked me as his own just for fun.
Melanin, sun kissed, brown one.
I used to be yours boo... but now I love the sun.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh I definitley picked up on the 'lunacy' pun straight away. Well played! You got in fast with this one!

I love your poem. THe last few lines are fabulous and I love the rhyme in it too which speeds things up a bit, and I imagine a more frenetic spoken word pitch toward the end too.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, and you got the spoken word angle! 😆Most of my poems are actually for spoken word, so I'm super pleased that you got it!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Aw, I'm please I got it too! Most poems should sound better aloud as they have rhythm and sound.. I didn't know you did spoken word. I think I'm only just getting to know you a little which is nice!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep, poetry should sound better aloud, and that's the thing with spoken word that I absolutely love. You get to speak your poetry with the intonations you intend and to breathe life into your pieces. And yep, that's the beauty of platforms like these, I guess, affording us the opportunity to share our interests and passions in spaces where we get to meet super cool folk like yourself. Have a great day!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

aw, awesome! I'd be too scared to get up on stage but I love the idea of it - and it's like weaving with words and sounds - I'd love to see you perform it live!