Found again in the trash,
A story that can't be told to the world.
Broken again like the glass,
And shattered to pricking pieces.
Don't touch me, I cause scars,
Don't move near me, you'll experience more hurt,
Don't try fixing me, you'll end up being like me,
Just leave me in this mess till I find light.
Don't pick me up from the trash,
You will end up stinking,
Don't try to save me, you will later need saving.
Just leave me till I get back to my Saviour.
And now, I will go back to my Saviour,
To fix this broken piece of mine,
He won't get hurt while fixing me
And I trust Him to perfectly fix me.
I will rise up and go back to my Saviour,
Even though I'm in mess,
He'll cleanse me,
He'll make me whole again,
I trust His ever working power.
Gingered Up! ❣️
Thank you ❣️