Poem : ill- at ease

in blurtpoem •  2 years ago 




I scarcely can
Comprehend why
The crowns are
Turning whores
To feast on the
Carnality of
Their crowds
Or why the crowds
Will think the same
And sell their conscience
For a crumb to invest
A king that will
Crush or kill than
Salvage the clan.

I am I'll at ease
With lamp holders
Become light breakers
Breeding bites
And venom to
Fill up the vacuum
Of freedom.

I hate apathy
Replacing apartheid
Sympathy spanning
Clubs wasting
Clans wailing
Everything crazy

But you will
Falter and fumble
In your prime
You that clear clans crude
With your bloody crooks
Returning it as bloom
For clan's blood
And watch clan's spittle dry;
We will laugh last!.



Apenas puedo
comprender por qué
las coronas son
Volviendo putas
Para festejar en el
carnalidad de
sus multitudes
O por qué las multitudes
pensará lo mismo
Y vender su conciencia
Por una miga para invertir
Un rey que lo hará
Aplastar o matar que
Salva al clan.

Estoy tranquilo
Con portalámparas
Conviértete en rompedores de luz
Picaduras de cría
y veneno para
Llena el vacío
De libertad.

Odio la apatía
Reemplazo del apartheid
simpatía que abarca
Clubes desperdiciando
Clanes lamentándose
Todo loco

Pero lo harás
vacilar y titubear
en tu mejor momento
Tu que claro clanes crudos
Con tus malditos ladrones
Devolviéndolo como flor
Por la sangre del clan
Y mira cómo se seca la saliva del clan;
¡Nos reiremos los últimos!.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

First of all I want to say that it's a very deep poem for a reader can you tell me the deeply meaning of these words.

But you will
Falter and fumble
In your prime
You that clear clans crude
With your bloody crooks
Returning it as bloom

I am little curious about these words. I have a fomo about the poem am also thinking to take part in the poem contests.