in blurtpoem •  last year 

Love Unaging

It's been somewhat over 2,000 years ago,
My Saviour died for me even before I lived.
His Love moved Him to die in my place,
And saved me from an impending death.

Over the years, His love didn't fade for age,
But is renewed afresh daily and faithfully;
For this course, I live for His glory everyday,
As I walk in His covenant of love and peace.

His Love is so great, it is unmatched by nada,
Not the love from family or friends
Can be compared to this one of Christ,
Who paid a debt He didn't owe with His life.

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He choose to sacrifice his own life for me,
Even ahead of time, of my very being.
Despite my fallen state as a man,
I found favour in this Love so ageless.

What manner of Love that I don't deserve,
Yet, I swim in this unaging and unfading love.
Forever to go, with a Love genuine and true,
That ages not nor fades away – God's Love.

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