in blurtpoem •  last year 

When The Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough,
The tough gets going they say.
But it is not easy to be the tough one
Cause being tough is so hard and tiring.

The tough one never gives up,
The tough one never backs out,
The tough one should be strong,
And never think it ever to quit.

The tough one should be an inspiration,
To other weak ones on the verge of giving up.
The tough one should be the one encouraging
Those discouraged ones who don't see the need to go on.

Image source
Being the tough one is not for the weak,
Neither is it for the faint in heart.
Yet, the tough one gets weak sometimes
And should not be regarded as abnormal.

One main fact being left behind is
The tough is also human too
Who needs to be inspired and motivated
Who needs the strength of others to pull through.

Because they too get weak along the way
And have enough reason to give up,
Backing out of the challenging route taken
Being that their strength failed them on the way.

When the going gets tough,
The tough gets going –
With the strength and support of others
Who understands the tough gets weak too.

Never play the tough one's role
Without calling for help when you need to
Cause no one is absolutely strong alone,
We all need each other to survive.

There is nothing to prove
Acting as the toughest one.
When you get weary and tired being tough,
Call out for support so you don't fall.

Because when you play tough till you fall,
Great and painful will be the fall;
That you could have avoided in advance
If only you called out for help.

When the going gets tough,
The tough one gets tired too.
When you're tired along the way,
Hop onto the strength of another to ride.

You will be strengthened to continue
And you would have won twice;
From holding on and having a friend
Y'all can travel the tough road together.
When The Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough,
The tough gets going they say.
But it is not easy to be the tough one
Cause being tough is so hard and tiring.

The tough one never gives up,
The tough one never backs out,
The tough one should be strong,
And never think it ever to quit.

The tough one should be an inspiration,
To other weak ones on the verge of giving up.
The tough one should be the one encouraging
Those discouraged ones who don't see the need to go on.

Being the tough one is not for the weak,
Neither is it for the faint in heart.
Yet, the tough one gets weak sometimes
And should not be regarded as abnormal.

One main fact being left behind is
The tough is also human too
Who needs to be inspired and motivated
Who needs the strength of others to pull through.

Because they too get weak along the way
And have enough reason to give up,
Backing out of the challenging route taken
Being that their strength failed them on the way.

When the going gets tough,
The tough gets going –
With the strength and support of others
Who understands the tough gets weak too.

Never play the tough one's role
Without calling for help when you need to
Cause no one is absolutely strong alone,
We all need each other to survive.

There is nothing to prove
Acting as the toughest one.
When you get weary and tired being tough,
Call out for support so you don't fall.

Because when you play tough till you fall,
Great and painful will be the fall;
That you could have avoided in advance
If only you called out for help.

When the going gets tough,
The tough one gets tired too.
When you're tired along the way,
Hop onto the strength of another to ride.

You will be strengthened to continue
And you would have won twice;
From holding on and having a friend
Y'all can travel the tough road together.

This post was previously shared on my hive and steemit blog

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