The Little Avacado that Could - Part Two

in blurtplants •  last year 


A Stick Tree?

This avocado plant was planted from seed and at one point, the pot it was in dried out completely for months at a time.



But I discovered that the seedling had been without water for so long, I put it in water and up came some greenery from the seed so I knew it was still alive. That was the point at which I wrote the little avocado that could part one.

The top photo was blurry on top because I was focusing on what I thought was a stick plant. Here is what recently happened to this baby tree. Again, I thought it had died but kept giving it water.

It has been almost three years since I planted this seed from an avocado and I bought at the store. And now it seemed to have lost all will to live.

Below is a picture of the leaves as they were when they first wrote about the little avocado tree they had always come up in sets of four or six or seven leaves at the very top of the stick. I had wondered how this plant is going to support avocados if it ever grows any.

leaves as they were in Sept. of 2022

The answer, as they say, is branches. The plant needs branches!


After watering this plant for about two weeks while thinking it is completely dead, I noticed some green shoots coming out from the lower portion of the stick, also known as the trunk, and I do believe it has changed gears from growing tall to growing branches.

I snapped this photo just this morning. She still looks very pitiful and stick-like but I am again thinking that there is hope. The plant has never seen direct sunlight - only ambient light coming in the window. It is okay if it does not produce fruit (that would take some photosynthesis). I am happy to have grown it experimentally.


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