in blurtpilipinas •  3 years ago 

There is no room for contentment to someone who is restless, greedy and dissatisfied. Contentment is possible for someone with a grateful heart. There is nothing wrong in wanting for more, but if all your life you are disconcerted because you feel that something is always lacking, and then you have the exact formula for misery. It is good to work harder for a brighter future. To learn however to be grateful with what you have leads to a life of contentment. It is not acquiring more treasure but treasuring what you acquire that makes you happy.

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If you have no blessings to count, which is something that the author totally doubts, consider it a blessings that you know how to count. When we truly count our blessings, we do not have much time left to stay focused on the difficulties of life. Besides, if we believe that God is in control, we come to accept that worldly events are just part of the greater scheme of things. Even when unfortunate things meddle with our daily routines, we will find meaning in them. History tells us just that. Even in the most depressing events, a ray of light is expected to shine.


If there is one human right you are mandated to exercise, it is to choose, make and keep yourself happy. Although happiness is accessible to all, you have your own unique way of getting access to it. Happiness is a personal choice. Choose it in a way that is convenient for you, without, of course, disregarding the preferences of people. In some cases, it may appear that you acquire it without any effort at all. But if you analyze deeply, you will see that what makes you happy may not apply to everyone. Your new mobile phone may not be needed by another or your dream house may not necessarily be someone else’s dream. Happiness most of the times is personal choice. Do not even think that those who live in shanties are not capable of being happy. They certainly are.

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