Best policy

in blurtpilipinas •  5 days ago 

Friends, today I will share with you the story of such an honest person.

The identity of honesty


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There was a man in a village who was not very religious but had integrity. He always spoke the truth, tried to follow the path of truth. But the man did not pray much, nor did he have much interest in religion.

Let me tell you for your understanding. The man had a bad habit. Night after night he roamed alone in the forest wherever he wanted.

Suddenly, several people's belongings started to be stolen in that village. When one day, two days, three days started going like this, then everyone started suspecting that man and everyone started saying that the man is stealing everyone's belongings.

A trial was held in the village panchayat, but the man did not find anything stolen from the village.

After that everyone threw the man out of the village with bad slander. The man had a large garden just opposite the village, like a jungle, and went there and began to live quietly as himself.


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A few days later there was another theft in the village, after which the big leaders in the village went to the man and said to him, "You are sitting here and stealing the things of the village." You've been kicked out of the village, but you're sitting here stealing the village's goods and selling them again.

But after many searches, nothing stolen from the village was found with the man, after which the man was beaten a lot, but the man said only one thing, I never stole. My habits may be a bit bad but I have never stolen.

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