Dahlia is one of the winter flowers (Flower Cultivation). This incredibly beautiful dahlia flower is very popular with everyone for its beautiful arrangement of petals and variety of colors. Dahlia flowers come in different shapes and colors including red, white, orange, purple, yellow, except blue and green. Some notable varieties of this flower are Single Dahlia, Collarette Dahlia, Star Dahlia, Decorative Dahlia, Anemone Dahlia, Starlet Queen, White Star, Cactus Dahlia, etc.
Suitable temperature for Dahlia is 15-20 degrees Celsius.
Requires bright sunlight and light rainfall.
In the shade dahlia plants become weaker and taller, the flowers are fewer and smaller and the color brightness is less.
Excessive cold, heat, rainfall and flooding.
How to make tub/soil for dahlia flower cultivation?
Dahlia flower can be cultivated in basically all types of soil.
But well-drained loam or sandy loam soil is best for growing dahlia flowers. It gives good yield of flowers.
What type of tub/container shape to choose for dahlia flower cultivation?You can get medium size tub or half drum for growing dahlia flower on roof.
You can also cultivate this dahlia flower in a small scale with little space to cultivate in the home yard or yard.
Choosing varieties of dahlia flowers
Currently, there are about 20,000 varieties of dahlia flower plants in the world.
Notable among them are Single Dahlia, Collaret Dahlia, Star Dahlia, Decorative Dahlia, Anemone Dahlia, Starlet Queen, White Star, Cactus Dahlia, etc.
There are also different types of dahlias.
Correct timing of dahlia flower cultivation/plantingYou can grow dahlia flowers at any time of the year in our country.
But Ashwin month to Agrahayana month is the best time for dahlia flower cultivation.
If you plant dahlia flower seedlings at this time, good yield is obtained.
Seedling production or propagation:
Dahlias are propagated by seeds, root tubers, cuttings and trellis, especially twin cuttings.
The quality of the mother plant is not maintained in the seed seedlings, sometimes the plants grown on the double-class seeds produce single-class flowers and the color of the flowers changes. So the use of seed fodder is very less.
If necessary, in the month of Ashwin-Kartika, seedlings can be planted in the field or in tubs at the age of 25-30 days.
The procedure for making seedlings from root tubers and dal cuttings is given below:
Branch Pen:
Dahlia branches can be grafted in Ashwin to Agrahayana months.
At this time, young saplings or branches grown in root tuber should be cut or broken with knots.
Moreover, 15-20 cm. Long mature branches can also be collected with git.
Later, if the branches are buried in a tub filled with sand or in the ground with light irrigation as needed, the branches will grow roots within 10-15 days.
After rooting, the cuttings should be carefully lifted and planted in polythene bags or small tubs with 50% dung mixed soil.
After 8-10 days the seedlings are fresh, they can be planted in designated land or in tubs.
Land Preparation and Fertilizer Application in Dahlia Flower Cultivation:
Dahlia seedlings can be planted in the field or in tubs from Ashwin to Agrahayan in the environment.
Dahlia soil should be made deeply soft and crumbly.
For every 100 square meters of land, 200 kg of dung/compost, 3 kg of wood ash (one and a half kg of MP) and 2 kg of bone powder (two kg of TSP) should be mixed well with the soil.
For tub cultivation, 2 parts of loamy soil, 2 parts of sand, 2 parts of wood ash, 1 part of rotted leaves, 1 part of dung/compost, 1 part of clay and 1 part of bone powder should be prepared.
Dahlia Flower Planting and Care:
60-90 cm depending on the variety in the land. One seedling should be planted in rows at a distance and in each tub. The size of the tub is 25 cm. It's good if
After planting, the plants should be irrigated in such a way that there is no shortage of water and waterlogging does not occur.
Irrigation must be done after each fertilizer application. Moreover, it is better to irrigate the leaves of the plant occasionally.
After budding, watering less and more often will increase the size of the flower.
Flower collection:
Flowers bloom within 60-70 days after planting in the ground or in a large tub.
It is best to collect the flowers by cutting the stem with a sharp knife in the evening before the flowers are fully bloomed. It flowers longer.
After that the flowers should be sprinkled with water and wrapped in black polythene and sent to the market.
Pests and Remedies in Dahlia Flower Cultivation:
Attack of jab beetles, jadis and thrips: Dahlia's biggest enemy is jab beetle. There are also thrips insects that are very small and brown or black in color. Such insects damage plants by sucking the sap of leaves, tips, growing parts like flowers. Buds are affected. Leaves curl. fades Sometimes the buds don't bloom.
Viral diseases usually have no cure in that sense. If possible, it is best to remove and burn diseased plants. If the trees are not to be lifted then the following procedure should be applied.
Infected leaves or flowers should be plucked initially. Then there will be no insects.
Yellow traps can also be used.
Soap powder should be mixed with 5-6 grams per liter of water and sprayed. Spray 2 times after 10 days.
In case of high attack of insects, Dimethoite insecticide mixed with 2.0-3.0 ml/liter of water should be sprayed 2-3 times every 8-10 days. Only then will the result be obtained.
In addition, mix 10 ml of neem oil + 10 ml of Trix water
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