in blurtpilipinas •  2 years ago 

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Hi Guys! It's me again masterzarlyn28 in the blurt! I'll be sharing my Splinterlands Cards Card Look Alike Episode with you in today's blog. I'll begin by using amplify abilities, and this time I'll choose the magical assailants Dax Paragon and Venari Spellsmith! We will discuss the game lore, statistics, card cost, and availability.





There are those who may think the Realm of Silence is a place of deep dark caverns. That could not be further from the truth. It is a region like any other in the Splinterlands that is full of homes, cities, and cultures. There are even universities that specialize in the study of magic, music, and geography. One such underground species that excels in academia are the Venari.

They created the Institute of Application that acts as a center of study for spells and tinkering. Those who wish to become fluent in spellcasting train to become Spellsmiths: masters of creating and using spells. It is through this knowledge they research and experiment with magic in order to unlock new ways to harness mana and the elemental forces.

A Venari Spellsmith is so dedicated to the art of spellcasting that magic itself became a part of them. While they themselves can manipulate magic to damage foes, magic burns through their veins. Upon death the radiating Mana explodes from their bodies, harming everyone around the Venari.
The Spellsmith set his jaw as the Minions of Chaos marched across the battlefield, laying waste to everything. The battle had taken its toll, but he and his comrades stood their ground, slinging spells at the advancing legion.

The mages of the Chaos Legion were masters of their art and weaved their magic like bards weaving a tale. They were battle-hardened, true, but they'd never faced the fury of a Spellsmith before.

The Chaos Legion's spells slammed into the front rank not thirty yards from the Spellsmith. He used his magic to reflect the damage back at the enemy, and many staggered and fell, smoldering. Next, he dispelled their protective magics, leaving them vulnerable to a counterattack.

A lighting bolt flashed from his fingertips, followed by a bolt of fire that ignited an advancing mage's robes. The man didn't slow. He raised his own hands, and deadly shards of ice flew at the Spellsmith and pierced his clothing and flesh.

The Spellsmith dropped to his knees, blood pooling around him. Now, the Chaos Legion mage stood over him, leering malevolently.

The Spellsmith smiled wearily and spread his arms, and his body erupted in a surge of arcane energy that tore through the mage's body, and he fell dead beside the fallen Spellsmith.


Dax knew nothing but a life of luxury since the time he was born. Growing up in a mansion overflowing with the finest of items, his wealthy parents were business and landowners that dominated the competition in the city of Lyveria. Their business was called Paragon Enterprises. An only child, Dax was often left to his own devices as his parents ran their enterprise. Often it felt like the entire mansion was his to do with as he pleased.

When he became old enough, Dax was given his large inheritance to begin his own sect of his family's business, which he called Dax's Consultations. He would be called upon by the wealthy, the greedy, and the powerful to consult for them. He would analyze their business practices, their competition, and provide advice. He became renowned for his success, and was thought of as the “secret ingredient” to any tycoon's business. And because of this, Dax soon became immersed in a world of spoils. He lived a fast life of luxury, of gold, and of stabbing anyone in the back that tried to cross him. Often literally.

When the Chaos Legion turned their eye on Dax, he looked right back and was intrigued. He saw new power that he hadn't yet known. He communicated with their intermediaries until the day the Chaos Legion invaded the Splinterlands. Dax was then graced with an audience before Silus of the Rift himself. During this conversation, Dax proved himself well-informed, cunning, and ambitious. He was given the opportunity to be an advisor for the most powerful person he'd ever come across. Dax now serves closely at Silus' side, advising him on strategies to control the Splinterlands.
Mr. Wilnett, leader of the criminal guild known as the Silver Coins, leaned his back against the stone alley wall. Darkness enveloped him, and his low hat helped to further shadow his face. The contact he was meeting, a weaselly young man referred to as Trout, shuffled before him.

“I think I can leave before dawn,” Trout stammered, trying for a glare but not succeeding. “I can get out of town and my debt will be forgotten.”

“Are you certain no one knows?” Mr. Wilnett said calmly. He'd dealt with enough cowards to be unfazed by their mewling.

“Only one person. Dax Paragon forged my financial statements. He-”

Mr. Wilnett cut him off with a raised hand. “Then you are no longer a free man. If Dax Paragon knows, it should be considered that everyone knows.”

Trout huffed. “Dax is barely older than me. He does not frighten me.”

“It would be unwise of you to cross Dax Paragon. He has a network of powerful people at his disposal. One word from him, and you'll never be seen again.”




Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy monsters by 1.

Rift Watcher and Chaos Legion with a summoner from the Life Element, is one of ten cards with this type of ability.


Name: Venari Spellsmith
Role: Monster
Card Edition: Chaos Legion Card
Element: Neutral Unit
Rarity: Rare
Damage Type: Magic
Abilities: Dispel, Amplify, and Redemption
Mana: 4

Name: Dax Paragon
Role: Monster
Card Edition: Chaos Legion Card
Element: Life Unit
Rarity: Epic
Damage Type: Magic
Abilities: Amplify and Affliction
Mana: 2



They almost have the same damage, speed, and health power at Bronze league max card. The ability and mana cap are the sole differences. At level 2, Dax Paragon already has the amplify ability, which boosts magic reflect and does 1 more damage in the form of fire, thorns, and return to the opposing monster, while Venari Spellsmith has the dispel ability, which removes the adversary's favorable status effect. They are excellent tools in battles with little mana.



Still have the same damage, speed and health power but venari spellsmith now have an additional ability which is amplify. First ability of Spellsmith is good for Trample ruleset since it removed the ability of the enemy monster to trample.


At Gold league, Dax just gains health power while Venari gains more damage and speed. Dax Paragon also has an ailment ability that prevents the target monster from being healed.


Additional ability for Spellsmith which is redemption that gives 1 damage to enemy monster when this monster dies. Again additional health acquired by spellsmith and magic damage for Dax Paragon.






Venari Spellsmith all time high for the last month is at $ 0.572 (Regular Foil) while $7.268 (Gold Foil). The value for this card is slowly dropping due to more Chaos Legion packs that have been opened.





Dax Paragon market price at regular foil is in up and down motion while Gold Foil is shwoing a U pattern. Currently it is now in $9.80 from a $14.964 price.

When it comes to market rental price in terms of Dark Energy Crystal or in USD, Epic card life card is much more expensive due to its 2 mana cost. It is a good in the low mana cap wit low mana cost and with a great ability.






All Monsters Have the Thorn reflect and return fire ability.
If the ruleset is thorn ability, better not to use melee monster. If the ruleset is magic reflect, better not to use magic monster and if the ruleset is return fire, prefer not to use ranged cards.

The normal damage for these three rulesets is two, but when you use a monster with the amplify ability, it has the power to damage the target monster by three, unless the target monster has an ability that halves your damage. Overall, amplify monster and summoner is an excellent power that can be applied to any ruleset. I enjoy playing Lord Arianthius since it has so many abilities such as shield, void, magic reflect, and thorn. Even though he doesn't have any damage type, he can still kill monsters with such skills.


Thank you for stopping by. Hope to see you in my next blog :) Have a nice day!

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