Micro Story Contest | Squeezed Time

in blurtpilipinas •  2 years ago  (edited)


Karim suddenly fell silent. He still couldn't believe the news he had just heard. Mixed feelings. Karim walked on in a daze, the tears he had been holding back starting to roll down his cheeks. He quickened his pace, as soon as he reached the edge of the cliff, his scream broke the silence.

Instantly he felt completely weak and could no longer support his body. Karim sat on a boulder, staring blankly at the lake surrounded by boulders. Silent and like a man lost his way, that's how he felt.

An hour earlier, Karim's cell phone rang. Excitedly, Karim picked up the phone.

“Hello, Brother Karim!” There was a hoarse voice coming from the speakerphone. A voice that was not foreign to him.

"Yeah Likha, how are you, how are mom and dad doing. Is everything okay?” asked Karim his youngest brother.

"We are all fine, brother," Likha answered with a sob. "If everything is fine, why are you crying. Calm yourself first, try to tell me what happened?”

After calming down, Likha began to tell what happened to her family in the village. The day before, Mando, the landowner in their village, came to Karim's parents' house with three well-built men. Mando came to collect the money his parents lent him two months ago. Because of the agreement, Karim's parents will pay off the money along with the interest which reaches Rp. 50 million.

"Why so much? Isn't the money I borrowed only Rp. 5 million?” protested Karim's father who felt the bill was unreasonable. However, this angered Mando and threatened to take their house by force and imprison Karim's father.

Karim's father was forced to take out a loan from Mando to pay for Likha's treatment, without Karim's knowledge. Karim, who is far from his parents, was very surprised by the news. He could not imagine the condition of his parents who had to lose their homes or be hurt by Mando and his men who were known to be cruel and did not want to compromise.

Such incidents have become commonplace in Karim's village. Many poor people have become victims. Some of them even had to give up their possessions forcibly looted because they were unable to pay off the money they took. Those who have nothing to take will be physically abused and end up in prison.

What Karim experienced this time was more difficult. Mando not only threatened to take the house and imprison his father, but also his sister. Karim's father had to forcibly marry Likha to Mando's son. Karim didn't know what to do. Moreover, he had just been laid off from his job, because the company he worked for went bankrupt. Although he had suggested that his father asks for another two weeks to pay off all his debts, he wasn't sure that he would get that much money in a short time.


This story is only fictional. The names of the characters in the story are based on the imagination of the author.

This post was created to take part in a contest organized by @blurtlatam. Micro story contest

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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