BlurtPilipinas 12 Days of Christmas Contest #9

in blurtpilipinas •  3 years ago 

12 Days of Christmas Contest (1).png

Welcome to our very first contest held this year 2021. Before we will move on to next year, let us share together our plans and memories in the month of December for celebrating Christmas Day. To make your holidays more fun and memorable, @blurtpilipinas has prepared challenging yet interesting questions for you to answer. We would like to know your ideas and what truly CHRISTMAS is for you.

12 Days of Christmas Contest (12).png


Photos: If you have old photos you can upload them as long as it is originally from you. If you don't have any, you can search online but make sure to provide the link as your source credit.

Present 3 or more photos

Words: We encourage everyone to write at least 250-300 words or more than that if you can.

TIPS in Writing:

  • You can compose 3 stanzas of the poem. It can be rhymed or free verse.
  • A ready-made Christmas card is fine the most important is the content of what you are writing.
  • Let us know who is that person that you love to spend Christmas with and why?


Originality of the Content- 60%

Sentence Construction- 15%

Related theme/topic- 10%

Presentation- 15 %


This contest is open for all Filipinos here in Blurt Community. Every entry post will automatically receive 20% + your scoring according to the criteria given above.

Grand Winner will receive 100% upvotes from @blurtpilipinas and 100 blurt from our major sponsor @olivia08.

1st place: range (90-95)vote
2nd place: range (85-90)vote
3rd place: range (80-85)vote

Winners will be posted on the 7th day from the day it's released.

December 01, 2021-Posting of the first question.
December 07, 2021- Announcing of winners for the first question.

We are excited to see your entry and we are hoping that every individual will participate in this 12 days of CHRISTMAS challenge.

Question #10 will be posted tomorrow. Keep updated!

To stay connected, join us at @discord for the latest news and queries.
Kindly follow us @blurtpilipinas.
Don't forget to use #blurtpilipinas, #blurtlatam, #blurtstartup as your tag for us to get notified of your post.

Photos and Presentation from Canva

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow this is a good news I am waiting for this

Hi @mdrasel442, we had started our contest already. We are now on the 9th day. We welcome you to join this contest. Kindly check our official @blurtpilipinas to know more about the contest.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord