My blurt Diary Inspirational: The Joy of Gratitude

in blurtpilipinas •  2 years ago 

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy

An important requirement to achieve success in life is simply to learn the art of appreciation.

The art and spirit of appreciation begins with you. A genuine appreciation for life will give you an attitude of gratitude. The art of appreciation correlates with the universal law of reciprocity. If you smile at others, they will normally smile back at you. On the other hand, if you frown someone, you will normally get frowned. This law means like attracts like, if you choose to be a negative person, you have no problem attracting others. You can’t achieve your goal in life without app recitation.

Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it. Ralph Marston

Practice appreciation every day. Everyone likes to be appreciated. This is a common fact of human relations. Everyone from the cradle to the rocking chair desires admiration, appreciation and respect. If you wish to succeed, you have to learn to like people, appreciate their individual talents and tell them so. When others feel valued they will support you in your endeavors. This does not mean you flatter for the purpose of winning points.

Everyone needs the support and confidence of someone. This salesman needs the buyer for his merchandise. If the salesman can’t gain the goodwill of the others, he fails as to get things done. Without their support, he fails as an executive. The politicians require the support of the constituents. He can’t win election absence of support.


Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. Alan Cohen

The way to get support is to appreciate them and tell them so. When others feel that you genuinely admire, respect and appreciate, they will help you to move mountains. Every human being regardless of origin has one basic desire, to feel important and to command respect of others. Whenever dealing with other people, always keep in mind that to be appreciated is a person’s strongest desire. To know this and to do something about it will take you far in your dealing with others.

Show others you like them. Start with your spouse, your family, and friends. Compliment a hairstyle, dress, item, garden and anything that deserves to be complimented. Do it sincerely. Others know when you sincerely like them; they feel it by means of vibration.
An excellent way of lowering conflicts is to develop the habit of appreciation. The best antidote against build up of resentment in relationship is to start appreciating little things to others. Simple thank you is enough to begin with, once you start being more appreciative of the things others do for you, you will discover that appreciation breeds appreciation.

Pat the people on back. Elevate their position in life. Make them feel they are important. Give sincere thanks for their help. Show appreciation of their efforts on their behalf personally thanking or sending note of thanks. Little courtesies reap big dividends.


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