My blurt diary 0.8: Growing is the essence of living

in blurtpilipinas •  2 years ago 

Dear friend, it has been seven days i have not written my inspirational essay. I hope you are doing good.

Growing is the essence of living. Do something more than usual. Do something beyond what you already mastered. Plant extra seeds. Tap the unused potentials. Raise your standard. If you do the same things and live the same way, you will never grow and you will likely get the same results.

Do not wish for a bountiful harvest. Become a productive planter

Accept who you are, with all your limitations and weaknesses. However, provide yourself not with excuses but with necessary actions on how to overcome your inadequacies. Grow in faith instead of disbelief. Grow in patience and never in hostility. Grow in faith instead of disbelief. Grow in patience and never in hostility. Grow in kindness and conquer harshness. Forgive yourself for your shortcomings but do not remain in them. Excessive passivity is a serious problem. It happens when you decide not to change you poor situation because somehow you can manage to live with it. Take active part in controlling your destiny. Get out of your comfort zone.

Real life begins outside your area of comfort. This area may keep you from growing. It will never allow you to expand and sour high. Do not capitalize on what you cannot do. Focus on what can improve and contribute. Do not waste time on yearning what you cannot have or brooding over what you lost. Instead, invest on growth, learning and progress.
Your courage will tell you how far you are willing to grow. Have the courage to become the unique original and not the best copy-cat of someone else. Every day is an opportunity to grow. There is real danger when you stop growing, not only physically, but in all areas of life. Even the body has to continually grow by giving birth to millions of new cells everyday, lest it dies. When living things stop growing or developing they begin to deteriorate. Relationships are the same.

For a relationship to be meaningful and dynamic, it has to constantly grow.Similarly, as intellectual begins, we have to be updated regularly, or else we become irrelevant and outdated. What does not grow will in time die? A person irrelevant and outdated. What does not grow will in time die? A person who stagnates will be left behind.


You will have to continue growing to achieve the life that God designed for you. In simple terms, to really grow is to change for the better. It is also living one’s vocation fruitfully. If you live your calling now, you will die no regrets. Happiness finds the person who finds himself or herself. Be yourself but change for the better when you need to. Yes, change is possible. To achieve your better self and a better world, change your habits, your mannerisms, reactions, perceptions, strategies, methods, attitudes and disbelief. Pain is part of being human, but do not dwell on it for a long. Move on. You are not a rock, yet even rocks do change through time. When it comes to growing, you either move upward or you go down. There is no standing still. Real growth delivers good results.


Who you are has something to say with what you have. Who you can be become will determine what you can get. Knowing that because of the person you have- you have a valid reason to become better from the inside. If you want more out of life, you will have to invest more from within. If you want better fruits, you will have to plant better seeds. If you want new fruits, plant new seeds.


Do not blame who you are to your parents, teachers, society or your childhood years. Human experiences are basically the same. We live in the same planet, breathe the same air. We are ruled by the same leaders, governed by the same societal and natural laws as well. Our circumstances do not differ- not that much. What truly differ are our ideas which allow us to see things in different perspectives. It not circumstances that make us change. It is when we change our reactions to circumstances that make us the person we are now. Circumstances are basically the same for everyone. Change your reactions to them your life will automatically change.


Have a new definition of who you are

Do not let your past determine your future. You can always write a new biography. Have a new and fresh perspective in life. Right now, you are thinking the way you do because of past experiences. You an relearn what you missed and can unlearn the bad habits you formed. When you do that then you can say to yourself: “After all, my attitude is not that bad” or just because my mom is afraid of lizards, I do not have to fear these harmless creatures. What you were was the result of how you viewed yourself. What you can become depends largely on how else you want to see yourself. Have a better definition of who you can become. Do not limit yourself to others think of you. Define yourself in a new way. From your definition, your actions will follow.

Defining yourself in a better way will move you to at more effectively.


Get started

There is no perfect time in your life than now. What you need is to get started. When you do, you realize that it is not difficult after all to accomplish a thing. People who never start on something will hardly know what it means to be at the end of the road or on top of the mountain. So strum your first guitar. Make the first step at the base of the mountain. Lower your head down the water. Or start with the simple mathematical formulas. Musicians, swimmers, climbers, engineers and everyone else who reach a certain degree of education or master a particular skill started somewhere. A journey of a thousand miles always begins, a motivation, a goal something that we choose on our own. If you want a life that is exciting, the choice is yours.


Get started. If you think you cannot learn a particular skill, and then you convince yourself that there is a no use trying, probably you will die not learning that skill- be it dancing, public speaking, playing the piano or swimming. Maybe you attempted at first and found it difficult to talk in public. Instead of getting encouragement, friends provide you with reason not to move on. Actually, if you just try a little harder, you realize that it is not difficult after all.

About the Author

I'm @sorenkierkegaard. I love reading books. My favorite sport is basketball. Travelling is my passion. My happiness is you and i will become friend.

P.S Take care

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