in blurtpilipinas •  2 years ago 

Dear friends, this my new inspirational writings

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller
OPTIMISM is the belief in and expectation of positive outcomes, even in the face of difficulty, challenge, or crisis. Optimism is the expectation of the best in one's work, and the best in everybody, everything and every situation. Optimism is an active, empowering, constructive attitude that creates conditions for success buy focusing and acting on possibilities and opportunities.


It is vital ingredient to achieve success. The times when optimism really pays off are when you are faced with problems, challenges or sear backs. An optimism thinking style at these times will increase your resilience, maintain hope and improve your chances of a successful outcome. For some, optimism comes naturally, but for most, it is an attitude towards life that must be learned and cultivated. Developing and strengthening to your personal power.
A true optimist is a person who always expects good things to happen, when he runs into stumbling books along his life's way, when things do not always go just the way he runs into opposition, when the going gets though and when he runs into opposition, when the going gets tough and when he meets with a disaster or catastrophe.

The ability of a sailor is tested not in weather, but rather in storm. The mark of the true optimist lies in one's ability to remain cheerful, serene and hopeful in stormy weather as well as in fair weather.
A true optimist finds more motivation to succeed and is more persistent in his efforts. He interprets experiences positively and influences outcomes positively. He responds to all obstacles, all attracts, all setbacks, with calmness, determination, and a creative, problem-solving attitude. For optimism to maximize your abilities and happiness, you must take responsibility for your thoughts, your attitude, and your actions. Research studies reveal that optimism live longer, enjoy better health, and do better in relationships, work, sports and all activities.
You must find opportunities in every difficulty and calamity. You must feel that there is always a vacancy at the top and you are destined to reach there one day.


You must take the cold water thrown on your ideas, heat it with enthusiasm and use the stream for the thrust to go ahead.
You must be cheerful in all situations, even when you cannot be really happy.
You must love fun and be able to laugh at the vagaries of life.
You must assume control of your life and your future, believing you have limitless potential for achieving. You must be proactive and anticipate difficulties. When thins wrong you must act promptly and gather resources to surmount your predicaments.
You must look for the good in bad situations; shun all negative thoughts and visualize and rehearse success.
You must be well-prepared, when you are baffled by problems. You must be realistic and look for options, and alternative solutions, and not insist on perfectionism.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them
Dreams are the starting points of all achievements both great and small.
All great men have been great dreamers. Real achievers start with their dreams and so should you.
Always have big dreams about what you want in life. Have a dream bigger than you. A person with a big dreams is more powerful than the riches person on earth.
Every great success begins with a dream and then it is translated into action to make it come true. Dream is only a differed success provided one wakes up and works for it. You dare dream big dreams, and in the process, you set yourself on fire.


What are your dreams?
Write them in your diary. Read it everyday. Pray for it and let go and let God to do everything for you.
Dreams widen your horizon, and open up new frontiers and opportunities. They act as a trigger for your goals, shape your plans, lead you to action and accomplishments. In joyful anticipation, they elicit happiness, and create enthusiasm and hope. They help you overcome boredom; enhance your feelings of worth and competence. They constantly thrust you forward all the way until you succeed in your desired goal.


Always have a dream list of all the things that you like to do in your life. It gives you focus and sense of direction every single living day. The secret of success is the ability to stay focused on your dream list. Dreams are only realized when they are broken down into manageable units.
There is no winner who never dreamed for a long of the goals of life before their achievement. Whatever may the life situation be, let not your dreams fade away and die. Nourish them, all through your hard and bad days until the time comes for them to bloom in reality.
Your dream prevents you from focusing on prospects of failure. It allows you to concentrate only on what you really want to do. It opens up the mind to the possibilities. You find fulfillment in pursuing your dreams as they help you to contribute to growth and success and the world at large.

About the Author

I'm @aaristotle. I love reading books. My favorite sport is basketball. Travelling is my passion. My happiness is you and i will become friend.

P.S Take care

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