Nature is perfect and sometimes shows us his perfection in all his splendor, all afternoon can be seen a beautiful sunset on the Orinoco River, his colors are spectacular, those nuances that are painted in the sky are unique, worthy of a photograph or postal, you will wonder where that place is, it is still in a city called city Bolívar in my beautiful Venezuela🇻🇪

Thank you for stopping a moment to read and comment on your publication, greetings and blessings for all.
Te invito a conocerme 👉 Soy @noelisdc /I invite you to meet me 👉 IM @noelisdc
Las fotos son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas exclusivamente para esta publicación con mi teléfono Tecno Pop 4.
The photos are from my property and were taken exclusively for this publication with my POP 4 PC telephone.