Blurt Photo Color Challenge : Thursday Green - Making Hay

in blurtphoto •  2 years ago 

Here is some green for you all.

Time to bale some hay :)
Let me take you along


First we cut the tall GREEN grass with the hay mower, in this case I use a John Deer 1219 MoCo. It is old and decrepit and breaksdown often but it is all I got.


After the hay is mowed, we let it lay in the field for several days to dry in the sun. This is why we always say "You got to make hay when the sun shines"
After it is good and dry we use the hay rake as seen below to rake it into nice windrows.

Then we come with the baler and bale it up into many small rectangular bales.

Nice GREEN bales


Then it is time to pick them up and put them into the barn. This is the hard work. It was hot and sweaty but we got it done before the rain came.


I hope you enjoyed my hay making journey.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hey … That’s a lot of hay. What do you do with all that hay ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey now, I sell that hay ;)
I used to have a couple of cows that ate most of it, but I sold them. Now I sell it if it is good or I use it for mulch in my garden.

Wish I had a tractor. I cut mine with a scythe.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow you are hardcore ;)
I've got about 13 acres in hay, I would need and army of scythes to handle that, haha.
A tractor sure does open thing up. I started with an old John Deere clunker (actually most of my equipment is clunkers) but I am slowly upgrading. I am now looking to upgrade my mower to a Diskbine which will cut my mowing time in half, and maybe keep the tool box on the shelf a little more ;)
How much hay do you cut with that scythe?

I only have 1/3 acre here and am gradually domesticating it bit by bit. Yeh it's hard going but good exercise. It'd just be good to do the bulk of it once a year with a tractor. Bliss.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sounds like you could use a little sub-compact tractor with a sickle bar.
A 3rd acre is nothing to scoff at you can do a lot in that space and it sounds like you are 👍
Keep on Blurting and maybe that tractor will come your way ;)

By the time I've enough to buy a tractor I'd hope there wouldn't be anything left to tractor. I'm going for the 'secret garden' permaculture look eventually so there won't be room for one to come through hahahaha

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