Diary of My Life For Today .

in blurtphoto •  2 years ago 


Diary of My Life For Today . ️

Good evening bloggers wherever you are, hopefully tonight will be a night of blessings in health and ease of sustenance and also happiness in the world and the hereafter. Bismillah, Allahumma sholli ala sayyidina muhammad always pray to God . Muhammad may always be bestowed with mercy from Allah on us.

well tonight I will share some documentation and also some stories in my daily life, today is a cold day, because these few months the weather is erratic sometimes 2 days it rains 2 days later it doesn't rain. it often rains, when the sun is a bit hot. but today thank God it was cloudy from the morning, only a little sun was seen and in the afternoon it was cloudy again but it didn't rain and we don't know tonight whether it will rain again or not.

Even though in uncertain circumstances like this we are still struggling in managing our work life and also looking for sustenance, not being hindered by circumstances whose name is our obligation to carry it out unless we are sick, that's a different story.

Invitation to the sunnah of the Prophet ️ Food For Invited Guests


Today I received an invitation to a place where my brother from his wife was not too far away, we received an invitation to attend the event, where the sunnah of my Apostle attended the social gathering and also ate the dishes provided by the committee.

when we arrived at the place, as usual, we were invited guests when we arrived at a feast or party or other event, if our custom is in Aceh or tasting the dish. We took a plate and put the rice with some side dishes such as meat there are also crackers, salted eggs and also gado-gado. it was my favorite after i finished the plate. me with food and then I sit in the place where our traditional men and women have been separated in Aceh because they are different from outside Aceh.

Outside of Aceh, it is one unit. In Aceh, there is no such thing as iktilat (a mixture of men and women). Outside Aceh, there are many ikhtilats, such as in Batam and Jakarta.

Buying Juice On the Way Home ️

The Sunnah Version of the Prophet After I ate a little of the next dish, I usually when we are in Aceh is to give the envelope in the place provided by the committee. Then I said goodbye to the owner of the house. ️


Stop at a Juice Sales Place.

When I go home in the middle of the trip I look for a place to buy juice, I usually buy mango juice, then I go home. Eat Snacks Empek-empek Palembang


Empek Palembang Made by our Self.

When I arrived at my house, I tasted the Palembang empek which I had made. In the morning, I made this Palembang empek at home along with cuko sauce.

We process it with a mixture of ground fish and flour as well as some other kitchen ingredients that I have ground. this is one of my favorite foods besides meatballs, fried noodles and also ketoprak so if my favorite food is usually I have to be able to make it myself. Mau'idhah from today's diary Alhamdulillah Wa thanksgiving, Bini'matihi Tatimmu shalihat this is a blessing that Allah has given us because of how many people have to abstain from food.

We are not allowed to eat this, we are not allowed to eat it because of our health condition, but we are still given the blessings of life by Allah. both delicious taste and delicious health. With us feeling these blessings we must always be grateful to Allah. another syakartum la azidanakum: if you are grateful for what I have given you.

laazidannakum ; indeed I will add to you another favor. wala in kafartum Inna adzabi lasyadid and if you are kufr it will be my favor. then my punishment is very painful. whoever is given by Allah to us we are obliged to be grateful for it at least, by saying Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.

Closing and Acknowledgments .

Well, from that I apologize more or less, I'm sorry this is my story today I don't want to tell a long story because this is just a short story from life to be brief, I'm sorry if the words are still convoluted and irregular, we understand that still a junior not a senior.

Thank you to our teacher who has guided us to write the right post, namely Al Mukarram @abialfatih rahimahullah ta'ala wa nafa'ana Bi ulumihi ya robbal alamin. Wassalamualaikum .

®Important note, this post also I posted on blurt.io , serey.io, Steemit.com, hive.com , wherein, with the original privately owned post. Thank you©.

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