Write About The Difference Between Own Business And Job

in blurtpak •  9 months ago 
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  • What Is The Difference Between Own Business And Job?
Difference between business and job


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A job is suitable for today's needs but a business is for tomorrow's needs. A job takes care of a family but a business takes care of generations, a job, a monthly salary is attached and a daily income from the business. There is need in the job and autonomy in the business, the employee cannot make his own decisions and the businessman takes his own decisions. You do a job for someone while you do a business for yourself. You can be successful if you do your business half as honestly as you do working for someone else.

  • Write Down Some Advantages Of Own Business
Benefit No. (1): You will live a long, happy life

Although, as Muslims, we believe that life and death are in the hands of Allah. But still the same way that smoking shortens your life or damages your health. So if Allah Ta'ala has written your age as a hundred years, then if your age is not reduced, it is obvious that your health will be bad and this long life will be very difficult and difficult.

In the same way, although your age does not increase or decrease with your business, it will be as much as Allah has written, but only because of your business, you will live a free, tension-free, happy, empowered life.

  • And this has also been proven by scientific research, that people who run their own businesses live longer, happier, more empowered lives than those who don't have a business.Not only are they happy and empowered. In the matter of their life, but at the same time, they make time for their health, for their family, for their social life. Which is almost impossible in other professions.*
Advantage No. (2): You are not financially accountable to anyone

That means when you manage your business alone instead of partnership or meet all the financial needs of your business without any other investment then you don't hold anyone else accountable, yes or no.

As far as partnership is concerned, there are arguments and doubts in it, for example, I work so much and my partner does nothing while he gets the money, or that my work is difficult and my partner's work is easy, etc.

Secondly, in partnership, all the profits are shared, whereas in sole proprietorship, not only you get the entire profit, but you are also saved from these useless doubts and doubts.

And this is also proved by scientific research that full equality, business partnership on equality is not possible.

Benefit #3: You learn a lot

Although you may not necessarily succeed in your business, it is certain that you learn things in your business that will help you better deal with any financial crisis in life.

  • For example, you learn a lot while being in your business and related businesses, which if you apply, you may not get a lot of wealth from it, but it will help you live your life day and night. can spend together*

Such experience, expertise you get only by running your own business, if two people have the same difficult financial situation, then out of these two people, a failed entrepreneur near me is better than that person. One can live without doing any business.

Also, you become a jack of all trades because of your business, your skills are amazing, so even if you fail in your business, it is very possible that you will get a better type of non-government job.

  • Explain Some Advantages Of Job?

Job life is peaceful. Salaries are received on time, which makes life better. Children's future becomes good. Health facilities are available. Old age becomes credit. Salary increases every year. There is a pension facility. There is a lot of respect in the society, like becoming a teacher, becoming a professor, becoming a doctor, etc. The more faithful a person is in his profession, the more respect he will have. Home facility is available to the employees and car facility is available to many employees.

  • In Your Point Of View Which One Is More Better?

Both employment and business are permissible. And it is proven by the actions of the Companions. Trading has also been the practice of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Therefore, it can be called Sunnah Nabvi. And Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) did the practice of wages in the presence of Hazrat Shoaib (peace be upon him), so this also became the Sunnah of the Prophets. He should adopt whatever action is suitable for him.

According to me there are many benefits in business. A job also confines and restricts a person, so business is better than a job. When you have your own business, you can earn in a single day what you used to get in a month. In a job, a person is imprisoned in front of others, this is not the case in business

Currently in the world, if one's quality of life is to be estimated, then his educational qualification, bank balance and the material goods he has are estimated. No one can deny that money does not fall in love with everyone, and whoever falls in love with it, then if he holds clay in his hand, it also becomes gold, otherwise gold is also clay. The question is, how to earn money? For that. It is necessary to do the work in which there is a profit or not a wage, i.e. business should be done as a job. If there was not so much profit in business, he would never have said that there are nine parts of profit in business. When you do business. If we take it, how to double the money, the formula of how to double the money was also explained by our beloved master ﷺ that you spend in the way of Allah and do business with Allah. This is the reason that Allah returns tenfold in this world and seventyfold in the Hereafter. Even more than that, if you want, the solution for this too, dear Prophet ﷺ made it clear to us that give charity, the charity of a Muslim increases his life and saves him from a bad death and arrogance through Allah. And removes (diseases of) pride.
But we start fearing its losses even before starting a business, that's why a job is preferred over a business in Pakistan that no matter what happens, at least it will get a salary every month. The biggest loss we never thought is that we start waiting for the second month's salary after receiving the salary on the first day of every month. They don't work with passion as they can in personal business. That's why the successful businessmen of the world believe that profit is better than salary. Because salary feeds you but profit changes your fortune. So we should try without thinking that we should give priority to our work and do our work even if it is a small one. So the companion said, O Messenger of Allah, I have nothing but this ax. You, peace be upon him, took that ax and put a wooden handle in it with your blessed hand and said, "Go and cut wood from the forest and bring it." Make a living by selling it in the market. That man left and then after a few months he appeared in the court of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Allah has blessed me so much by doing my own business that now I am doing someone else's business. want to help
If we talk about today, we see that among all the rich people in the world, not a single one has a PhD, all of them are businessmen, and how many of them have the skills to start their own business. There was no money, but he had so much faith in his ability and hard work that success would surely kiss his feet. Jack Ma is the richest man in China, he says.If you put bananas and money in front of monkeys, the monkeys will choose the bananas because they don't know that money can buy a lot of bananas. will choose a job because people don't know that they can earn more profit from business. That's why profit is always better than wages. We as Pakistanis should focus on our business if we want to improve business life. Inshallah business life will improve automatically
Family entrepreneurs say, 'Don't put anything in the job, do the business.' Educate your children up to Matric FA and make them sit in your post. Then fulfill your passion for education and hire as many highly educated people as you want. On the other hand, family employees say that business is a fickle business, you never know when a star in the sky will hit the road with a bargain. Entrepreneurs dig a new well every day to ensure that day's water supply, while doing a job is just a matter of worry, the monthly income is fixed.
Both types of family counseling have their place, but in our opinion, extremes should be avoided. Being trapped by one extreme is bad. Therefore, it is useful to do both tasks together. That is, a person should do a job as well as a business. It is our observation that as the employee's position in the job increases, so does the business.
Yes, if the government has made an unjustified restriction that a government employee cannot do any work, then in that case, one should do business in the name of a loved one. According to Patras, "Even so it is useful". Wife, sister, children, brother, mother-in-law, everyone is ready to make a sacrifice so that such a business is done in his name, in which even a small unit gives profit of crores and billions of rupees.
But it should be noted that the elected official or bandi should be reliable and should not give any contrary statement out of anger at the slightest pressure or news leak. I can state with full confidence that if the intention is good, a small business started by selling flour can turn into a big pharmaceutical company, a sewing and embroidery business started with a few hundred rupees in five to ten years. It can beat the revenue of big brands, a road filling contract is capable of making trillions and so on. Also, if an officer or journalist bothers, the fingers become crooked as needed
Also keep in mind that the business should be related to the field in which you have experience. Otherwise, it usually happens that if a person invests in partnership with someone, then the partner who has experience, the money goes to him and the one who has invested, the experience comes to him. Experience should always be gained at the expense of others. Therefore, the business started in the name of loved ones should belong to the same department in which the servant is employed, then it will be blessed and the job will also become a business, otherwise the servant will be suspended.
It has been seen that the officers of some departments have expertise in every field under the sky, from education to management, and they do all kinds of business successfully, while some have expertise in only one field. find If a person falls into the cycle of conflict of interest or such worn-out old ideas, he will not be anywhere, he will lose everything. Time is witness that the people who took the path of action instead of philosophy, were successful.
In such a business, only if the intention is good, if the hard work is done, then all five fingers are in ghee and head is in the pan. Paulo Coelho has stated this cosmic philosophy that "when you desire something, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it". Probably in the time of Paulo Coelho, there were no investigative journalists who came to reveal these apocalyptic secrets, and the officer was just amazed that
What anger did you do, you exposed me too
I was a secret in the universe

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