My article today is a woman's life

in blurtpak •  9 months ago 

My article today is a woman's life

Every woman's life has its own situation. What difficulties has his life gone through? Today I have created an article on these conditions of women and am going to put it in front of you. I hope you will agree with my words

Every woman has a past. Some were subjected to physical abuse. Some were betrayed in love. Some were drugged and oppressed. Some were date-raped. Someone had taken the bare photographs of some of them. Some were blackmailed by their ex-boyfriends

Some were in illicit relationships. Some had menstrual disorders. Some had a broken family. Some were divorced. Some had obesity problems. Some had financial problems. Some were addicted to drugs or alcohol. Some have made some unsuccessful attempts at suicide

If you see such a woman. Who has gone through any of these problems. While she has wiped her tears. She has tied her hair. Masking his sorrows with a smile, he has started walking towards his future because there is still some hope left in him. She still hasn't given up on the concept of love that still exists in this world, don't taunt her about her past. Don't fight it. Don't overdo it. Give way to him and walk by his side. Hold his hands so that he can walk for a while. You will know how sweet this soul is and how strong its hopes are. It must be surprising to you how he survives with all his energy gone

This can happen to any woman. She may be a stranger and she may be your own friend, your own sister, your own lover, your own wife, even your own mother.
Do not judge him according to his past, but give him such a future that he can forget the past. Give her the love she's always longed for

Be a man and a man is one who is proud. Be careful, be patient, but in our country, a man is considered to be one who is strong and who kills his sister and daughter in the name of honor. It is a common but special thing that if Allah can forgive mistakes then why not us?

A woman should be seen as a high human being to know what her rights are and what her freedom is. A woman should be seen as a creature who can pave the way for the welfare and prosperity of the society by raising high human beings, then it will be understood what the rights of a woman are and how her freedom should be. The woman should be seen as the basic element of the family and the existence of the family, well, the family is formed by the union of both men and women and both of them have a fundamental role in its existence and survival, but the atmosphere of the home. The tranquility and peace of the nest is dependent on the woman and her feminine temperament. If a woman is seen from this point of view, then it will be known how she sets the goals of perfection and what are her rights?
Role of woman in human society
A logical approach to women
Historical oppression of women
The problem of women in the world
The role of hijab in the social status of women
Responsibilities and roles of women
The basis of women's social activities
Role of women in national development
Acquiring knowledge is mandatory and obligatory
Women can work outside the home
Chapter Two: The role of women in the family
Islamic education of women
Right to choose husband
Two ignorant rituals related to marriage
Peace of mind
Importance of woman in family
The natural influence of women
The cradle of love
Division of duties
Homework is the first priority
Education of children, an important task
The story of Gul and the gardener
Atrocities against women at home
The topic of women and their behavior in society has been discussed in different societies and civilizations since ancient times. Half of the world's population consists of women. Human life in the world is as much on men as it is on women, while naturally women are handling the most important issues of creation. The basic issues of creation such as the process of birth and training of children are in the hands of women. It is known that the issue of women is of great importance and since ancient times, attention has been paid to it at the level of thinkers in societies as well as in the customs and traditions and customs of different nations.
A woman should be seen as a high human being to know what her rights are and what her freedom is. A woman should be seen as a creature who can pave the way for the welfare and prosperity of the society by raising high human beings, then it will be understood what the rights of a woman are and how her freedom should be. The woman should be seen as the basic element of the family and the existence of the family, well, the family is formed by the union of both men and women and both of them have a fundamental role in its existence and survival, but the atmosphere of the home. The tranquility and peace of the nest is dependent on the woman and her feminine temperament. If a woman is seen from this point of view, then it will be known how she sets the goals of perfection and what are her rights?
Throughout history, women have been oppressed in various societies. This is the result of human ignorance. The mood of an ignorant person is that if there is no one riding on his head and no power is supervising him, even if this supervision is from within the person with which there is very little agreement, i.e. a strong spirit of faith, and Even if it is from outside, i.e. the law, if the sword of the law is not hanging on the head, it often happens that the strong oppresses the weak.
The irony of the situation is that throughout history, women have always been oppressed and the main reason for this has been that the dignity, position and importance of women has not been understood. A woman should have her dignity, she should not be abused for being a woman. This is a very bad thing. Even if it is abuse that is done to a woman and it is also called abuse, and even if it is abuse that is not considered abuse in the end, while in fact it is oppression, it is abuse. For example, hairdressing, make-up, and making it into an object of use. This is a great cruelty and absolute abuse of women. It may not be wrong to say that this is the greatest injustice to woman because it makes her engage in the most worthless and vile things by distracting and deviating from all goals and aspirations of evolution and perfection.
In spite of all his claims, in spite of all his sincere and sympathetic efforts, in spite of the scientific and cultural works carried out in relation to women, he has yet to choose and set a right path regarding both genders, especially the delicate gender. In other words, excess behavior, perversity and drawing wrong conclusions and then abuse, injustice, mental illness, family problems, problems related to relationships and reconciliation of both sexes still bring human society today. The solution remains. That is, the person who made countless discoveries in the material fields, in the field of astronomy, in the depths of the oceans, and who fills the soul of psychology and subtlety in social and economic affairs, and in fact in many fields. It has developed, in this (woman's) issue, a veil and demarcation has been established between men and women in the failed school of Islam. However, this does not mean that the world of women is completely separate and different from the world of men. No, women and men coexist in society and in the workplace, everywhere they have to deal with each other. They solve social problems together, control problems like war with mutual cooperation and cooperation and they have done so, run the family together and raise children, but the home and the family. Outside this limitation and hijab is observed in all situations. This is the main point of Islamic way of life. If this is not taken care of, the same obscenity will spread that the West is suffering from today. If this point is not taken care of, women will not be able to continue their progress in the direction of values ​​that is seen in Iran today.
Hijab does not mean to isolate a woman from everyone. If anyone has this view and concept regarding Hijab, then it is a completely wrong view. Hijab is actually to prevent men and women from mixing excessively in society. Excessive intimacy has disastrous consequences for society, both men and women, especially women. Observance of hijab helps a woman to reach her higher spiritual position and she is protected from slipping at critical points on the way. The focus should be on safety. The chastity and purity of a woman actually establishes respect and dignity of a woman in the eyes of others, even in the eyes of people immersed in sensual desires. Islam emphasizes the chastity of women. However, male chastity is also important. Chastity is not only reserved for women, men should also have chastity. Where women are deprived of hijab, where women are subjected to nudity and nakedness, first of all, the safety and protection of the woman herself. And in the second stage, the security of men and youth comes under threat. In order to keep the society and the environment safe and healthy and to establish such an atmosphere, Islam has arranged hijab in which women can perform their activities in the society and men can discharge their duties.
In Islamic society, the field is open for men and women. The evidence and argument for this are the Islamic teachings that exist in this regard and the Islamic orders that determine the social responsibilities for both men and women equally. This is the honorable saying of the Prophet of Islam: Min Asbih wa La Ihtam Bamur Muslimin Flis Bi Muslim (Whoever spends day and night and does not worry about the affairs of Muslims is not a Muslim) This is not only reserved for men, it is for women. It is also important to realize one's duty in relation to the affairs of Muslims, the problems of Islamic society and the affairs of the Islamic world, but also the problems faced in the whole world and take action for it, because it is an Islamic duty. Hazrat Fatima Zahra, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was seen playing a role in all matters that befell her father in Madinah during her childhood and after the Prophet's migration to Madinah. is, a model that shows the roles and duties of women in the Islamic system. A verse of Surah Al-Ahzab says that Islam, faith, obedience, humility, giving charity, fasting, patience and steadfastness, protection of honor and remembrance of God, among these things, the dead And there is no difference between women. Those activities of women in the society are completely legitimate, preferred and permissible and without problems, which are carried out by observing the Islamic limits. When both men and women in the society receive education, the number of educated people will be double as compared to the period in which educational activities are reserved only for men. If women in the society will be active in the field of teaching, the number of teachers in the society will be doubled compared to the era in which this duty is limited to men only. There is no difference between men and women in construction activities, economic activities, planning, intellectual processes, country affairs, city, village, group affairs and personal and family matters. Everyone has duties that everyone should discharge
Any social work can progress in the right direction and be fruitful only when it is based on deliberation, wisdom, evaluation, attention, expediency and repetition and on sound and logical foundations. This should be kept in mind in every action taken for the recovery of women's rights, that is, every action should be based on wise thinking and facts, familiarity with women's temperament and nature, awareness of men's tendencies and inclinations, women's specific Acquaintance with duties and occupations should be carried out with knowledge of the specific duties and occupations of men and the common features and characteristics of both, and should not be carried out on the basis of blind imitation and under the influence of others. If this action is carried out blindly on the basis of blind judgment and blind imitation, it will definitely prove harmful. Should be on. When it comes to workforce, it should be noted that half of the country's population and half of the workforce are women. Real and all-round development is not possible if the wrong way of thinking about women takes root. Women themselves should also get familiar with the status and position of women from the point of view of Islam so that they can defend their rights well by relying on the high teachings of the holy religion of Islam. It should be known that in relation to women, in relation to women's participation in various fields of life, in relation to women's activities, their education, their profession, their social, political, economic and academic activities, as well as the family. What is the perspective of Islam in relation to the role of women and its role at the level of society
Women can get higher education. Some people believe that girls should not read and write. This is completely wrong thinking. Girls should take up educational activities in the subjects that they find useful and interest them. Society needs girls' academic ability. Just like educated boys need. However, the educational environment should be healthy. For education, it is not necessary to distance oneself from the moral values related to the society of men and women, but with complete adherence to these values, education can be obtained and one can reach high places. To make the habit of reading books. There is a need for an innovation based on which women get used to reading books inside their homes. The books of human knowledge prepare the minds for better understanding, better thinking, better innovation and to reach themselves in a better position. Knowledge and wisdom are very dear things and I am convinced that Islamic Women should master all subjects in the society. Some women think that if a woman wants to get knowledge about women's subject, she should get knowledge about specific diseases of women, but this is not the case. It is the responsibility of women to work in various fields of medicine like neurology and cardiology etc. It is a religious and social duty
Islam allows women to work. Not only does it allow, but it may even be necessary if work outside the home does not conflict with a woman's primary duty of raising children and caring for the family. No country can be without the manpower of women in various fields. Some people act in extreme ways. Some say that because of social activities it becomes difficult to take care of home, husband and children, so one should stay away from social activities, while some say that because of home, husband and children. There is no opportunity for social activities, so one should break ties with husband and children. Both of these things are wrong. Neither should be abandoned for the sake of the other, but work outside the home is not the first and foremost problem of women. Islam is not against women working and performing their duties, except for some tasks, some of which are agreed upon by the scholars and others are disputed, however, the main problem of women is that Not whether he has a job or not. The main problem and duty of women is one that has unfortunately been neglected in the West today. It is a sense of security, a sense of security and a sense of providing opportunities for the development of abilities and being safe from abuse in the society, in the family, in the husband's house or in the parents' house. Those who are working in relation to women should work on these aspects
Women can get higher education. Some people believe that girls should not read and write. This is completely wrong thinking. Girls should take up educational activities in the subjects that they find useful and interest them. Society needs girls' academic ability. Just like educated boys need. However, the educational environment should be healthy. For education, it is not necessary to distance oneself from the moral values related to the society of men and women, but with complete adherence to these values, education can be obtained and one can reach high places. To make the habit of reading books. There is a need for an innovation based on which women get used to reading books inside their homes. The books of human knowledge prepare the minds for better understanding, better thinking, better innovation and to reach themselves in a better position. Knowledge and wisdom are very dear things and I am convinced that Islamic Women should master all subjects in the society. Some women think that if a woman wants to get knowledge about women's subject, she should get knowledge about specific diseases of women, but this is not the case. It is the responsibility of women to work in various fields of medicine like neurology and cardiology etc. It is a religious and social duty
Islam allows women to work. Not only does it allow, but it may even be necessary if work outside the home does not conflict with a woman's primary duty of raising children and caring for the family. No country can be without the manpower of women in various fields. Some people act in extreme ways. Some say that because of social activities it becomes difficult to take care of home, husband and children, so one should stay away from social activities, while some say that because of home, husband and children. There is no opportunity for social activities, so one should break ties with husband and children. Both of these things are wrong. Neither one should be abandoned for the sake of the other. If the Islamic society succeeds in transforming women into models of Islamic training, it will mean that women have reached their proper place and destination. If women in the society gain knowledge and spiritual and moral perfections that Allah Almighty and the divine religions have determined equally for all human beings, including men and women, then better training of children will be possible. The atmosphere will become more pure and loving, the society will be able to develop more, the difficulties of life will be solved more easily. That means both men and women will be happy. The goal is not to align women against men, the goal is not to have a hostile rivalry between women and men. The goal is that women and girls can repeat the same process by which men become great human beings, it is possible and has been tested in Islam.
One of the most important things is educating women about the proper ways to deal with their duties within the home, i.e. with their husbands and children. There are also women who are very good, they have patience, patience, tolerance, tolerance and good morals, but they do not correct their behavior in relation to children and husband. This attitude and behavior is a knowledge. These are things that have improved day by day with human experience and are in good condition today. There are some people who have very valuable experiences. Some way should be adopted by which these women can be informed and guided in these ways and methods while living inside the house. Woman as a wife and spouse seems to be the center of special attention of Islam at different stages. Is. The first step is to choose a spouse. From the Islamic point of view, a woman is free to choose her husband and no one can force a woman to choose her husband. That is, even the brother and father of the woman, the matter of distant relatives is different, if they want to force her that you must marry such and such a person, then they do not have the right to do so and they cannot do so. However, in the past there were some wrong and ignorant practices in the Islamic society as well. However, what ignorant Muslims do should not be associated with Islam. These are ignorant habits. Ignorant Muslims do some things on the basis of ignorant habits and attitudes which have nothing to do with Islam and its enlightened orders.
If a person forces a girl to marry her cousin, he has done wrong. If a cousin brother considers it his authority and right to prevent her from marrying someone else and says that since you have not married me, I will not allow you to marry her. , so this boy and everyone who helps him has committed a forbidden act. It is in clear opposition to the Shari'ah and there is complete consensus among Islamic jurists in this regard if a person belonging to one tribe, in order to settle his differences with another tribe, supposes that there is conflict and war between the two. Bloodshed is going on, in order to resolve this dispute and end the conflict, if he marries a girl from one tribe to another tribe and does not bother to get the girl's consent, then he has violated the Shari'ah. What is the opposite? Yes, if consent is obtained from the girl, then there is no problem. There is a girl who is inclined herself and she has no objection if she is married to a boy from another tribe and as a result of this marriage, disagreements and disputes also end, then there is no harm or embarrassment in it. do not have. But if a girl is forced to do it, this act is against Shariat and violation of Islamic rules
One of the things that man needs most is peace and tranquility. Human happiness lies in being safe and satisfied from mental turmoil and anxiety. Man gets this blessing from family and family, this ayah Karima says in relation to man and woman, mainly in the context of family, that Wa Man Ayat In Khalq Lakum Min Anfiskam Azwaja means the power of God. One of the signs is that you have created your mate for humans, from your own sex. You women for men and you women for men. You are self-inflicted from each other, not from different sexes. Not separate levels. The reality and essence of all is one. All belong to the same reality. The essence of all and the reality of all is one. However, there is definitely some difference in terms of certain characteristics, so their duties are also different. After this it is said that Latsuknava Ileha means two sexes in human beings are declared for one great goal. That goal is peace and tranquility. Women (and men) should find fulfillment within the home with their opposite sex, men with women and women with men. Upon entering the house, the peace and tranquility surrounding the interior atmosphere, looking at a kind, loving and trustworthy woman brings peace and tranquility to a man. For a woman, the existence of such a man and such a support, who loves her and is like a strong fortress for her, is a sign of happiness and a source of peace and contentment for her and a source of happiness and happiness. Family bestows this blessing on both. A man needs a wife in the atmosphere of the house for peace of mind and a woman needs a man in the house for peace and tranquility. Latsuknawa Aleha both need each other for comfort and peace
In fact, it is the woman who forms the family and runs it. The primary factor in family formation is the woman, not the man. It is possible for a family to exist without a man. If there is a family in which there is no man, he has left the world, then the woman of the house, if she is wise and decent, will save the family (from disintegration), but if there is no woman in the family, then the man will not protect the family. It is known that the woman protects the family and the family. The reason why Islam gives so much importance to the role of the woman in the family is because if the woman takes over the duty of the family and shows interest in it, the children gave importance to the education and upbringing of children, took care of their children, fed them milk, nurtured them in their arms, provided cultural food for them i.e. recited Quranic stories, stories, commandments and guiding incidents and took care of their physical needs during leisure time. If these things are tasted like food, the human race of this society will be conscious and proud. It is a woman's art and it does not stand in the way of learning, teaching, working outside the home and being active in the field of politics and other such matters.
Family should be the standard and foundation of all social projects and programs. The problem of mother, the problem of wife, the problem of home and family is very important and vital. That is, if a woman becomes a great specialist doctor or acquires expertise in any other field but is unable to fulfill the duties of the house, then this is a shortcoming for her. The existence of the mistress of the house is necessary, but rather that is the point. Unparalleled, woman is the queen bee of honey. Regardless of some exceptions, wives generally have a special influence on husbands. However, this does not mean that if a woman dominates her husband, then it should be said that she has great influence, no. It is about God's natural influence and influence. In my estimation, women are stronger and stronger than men, this is my belief. In a long contest, if the contest drags on, the woman will eventually win. That is, the woman will eventually dominate the man through the ways and characteristics that Allah Almighty has deposited in her temperament and her nature. This is a fascinating fact of nature and a beautiful secret of creation. In addition to their 50% contribution in terms of presence in the field, women are also effective in the other 50% that is related to men (i.e. they play an effective role in bringing men along with them in the field).
A man prefers that his wife and children stay at home and he himself takes responsibility outside. For example, we, who were once fighting a defensive war, did not take our women to the battlefield. We used to say that you guys stay here, we will go and take charge of this front ourselves, but when a woman goes to the battlefield, she takes her husband with her and sends him forward. One such entity is called woman. This personality, this personal influence and influence, this brilliant performance on the battlefield, should always remain for the past, present and future efforts. It creates a special attachment and attachment, it maintains the connection of love and affection. They should love each other, be loyal to each other and be kind to each other. Family is the center where feelings and emotions should grow, children should get love and compassion. Due to special masculine temperament, the nature of a man in relation to his wife is such that his heart breaks very quickly in relation to certain things and on such occasions his wounds are only healed by the caress and love of his wife. Even a mother's kindness is not enough. A wife is to a young man what a mother is to a young child. Women with delicate and subtle temperament are also aware of this fact. If there are no such feelings and emotions in relation to this central point in the house, i.e. the owner of the house, then the family will have no meaning, it will be like a soulless body.
Both men and women have some distinct temperamental characteristics. Within the home a woman should not be expected to act in the manner of men, just as no man should be expected to behave and behave like a woman. Both have different requirements of temperament and nature, and it is in the interest of man, society, social system of men and women that the temperament of men and women and their natural requirements are fully considered in the homes. If this is taken care of, then the way of happiness and success of both will be paved. No one has the right to abuse and do injustice to others. Some men think that women have to do all their work. Well, inside the house, where there is deep love and affection between husband and wife, both do each other's work with great passion and attraction. But doing something out of attraction and interest is another matter, and if a person thinks or shows by his manner that a woman should serve a man like a servant and considers it her duty, then it is a different matter. There is no room for this in Islam. Some women are very busy, they live outside the house, perform operations, look after their patients, are also engaged in some academic research, are preparing a project, are also lecturing in a university. Giving, all these activities are perfectly in their place but household duties should not be neglected either. However, it may happen that the quality of housework should be prioritized over the quantity, that is, its quantity should be reduced somewhat. A woman's 24-hour presence in the house is different. If some of these twenty-four hours are reduced but the quality (of performing duties within the household) is high, then it will be a different situation. If you find that your (outside) work is having a negative impact on this problem (i.e. household duties), then you have to come up with some solution. This is very important and basic, except for some emergencies. All jobs have some contingencies that are exceptions to the rules and regulations. The main task of women is to train children and encourage and encourage husbands to enter important fields and occupy higher positions.

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