API Design Best Practices: RESTful API and GraphQL Guidelines

in blurtpak •  9 months ago 

API Design Best Practices


Understanding RESTful API


Explore the fundamental guidelines for creating robust and efficient RESTful APIs. Learn about resource naming, HTTP methods, and status codes to enhance your API design.

Embracing GraphQL


Discover the power of GraphQL and how it revolutionizes API development. Dive into schema design, query optimization, and the flexibility GraphQL offers compared to traditional RESTful approaches.

Friendly Concepts


Breaking down complex API concepts into simple terms even a four-year-old can grasp. Uncover the basics of APIs using a child-friendly analogy.

Best Practices in Action

Explore real-world examples illustrating the implementation of RESTful API and GraphQL best practices. Gain insights into common pitfalls and how to avoid them in your projects.
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