in blurtopian •  4 years ago 


Heal our land
Let love heal our world
Our world needs to be better
Evil is the order of the day
We live our lives in distress and pain
Agony is foregrounded
Why is the heart of man so wicked?
We value-less the human lives
Rape, Murder, Rascism, Terrorism is what some people choose as their hobby
What happen to interesting and self elevating activities
Reading, traveling, skydiving, gardening
And so on
Who is to be blamed?
Government, Individuals, society?
We are all to be blamed for the rot in the world
We get scared of the wrath
The aftermath of our actions
We don't think and rethink when we perpetrate evil
The heart of man is indeed evil
Why murder an armless man for no reason?
Why torment your fellow human being because of his color?
Why forcefully have sexual intercourse with a young girl?
Why destroy people for fun?
Yesterday it was George Floyd, today it could be you
Speak up
It was Tina Ezekwe today, tomorrow it could be you
Speak up
Police who are saddled with the responsibility of protecting citizens
Are the cause of their untimely death
They use stray bullet as an excuse
Our land needs cleansing
Our land needs to be healed
A lot of video on the internet about ill treatment of humans by humans
All we seek for is a lasting solution to this menace.
This have to stop.
We are battling with a pandemic yet we are still combating with ourselves
Where is the place of love in this.
We need a rethink!
We need a new world!
Heal our land!
All contents are originally written by me, @williams-owb


Williams Oluseyi is a Linguist by discipline from one Africa's Most Prestigious Citadel of Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University. He developed interest for blogging at very early stage which motivated him to study English Language in College. He is a prolific writer, an inquisitive and judicious reader, to say the least. To get his daily bread, he is currently working in a Logistics company in Nigeria.
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