Raspberry Pi Docker Running Blurt BlockChain, Condenser & WLS

in blurtopian •  4 years ago 

Ok so the latest image build successfully runs

1) The Blurt Blockchain


2) The Condenser Blurt Blog


3) The Whaleshares Blockchain


So with this little Arch Linux Raspberry Pi image you can effectively run a Blurt and Whaleshares full or witness node and have a Blurt blog with direct blockchain access right in your home network, totally agnostic to any blurt.blog or blurt.world domain name address.

I'm posting this post using my local version of Condenser right now.

All that is left is for @jacobgadikian to fix the hostname, MDNS and MOTD and for me to attempt to run a witness on it and then we can tag it as a production release.

Happy Blurting!

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Looks nice 👌

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Happy blurting

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

and for me to attempt to run a witness on it

yes, and for me a witness edition too, please. I will buy another pi. These little powerful boxes are very fascinating.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Blurt for everyone, Blurt from home, decentralized Blurt. An Open Source physlosophy that will give us freedom and above all stability in our Blockchain.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hey @megadrive, I wish you Happy Blurting! :D

Hi Mr. @megadrive. Receive my best wishes for you and your family for the next 2021. I wish you success in all your projects and at the same time I want to congratulate you for all the effort you make in Blurt, I wish the best for Blurt in 2021 an excellent platform!

Happy New Year from Venezuela.