I saw these flowers in different colors. There are white muscari. And blue terry. I love this plant - for its modest beauty and unpretentiousness. Even after the harsh winters, when even daffodils grow cold, the muscari is slowly recovering. This plant is good for blooms in the air of your house. Muskarikov there is such a variety, that probably one can only plant flower beds! And white, and yellow, and pink, and blue, and purple, and terry ... All and not enumerate!
how else can you call these flowers
Also these flowers can be called: as I already said - muscari, or mouse hyacinth, or viper onion (the family is lily).
Stellaria holostea
Another tender plant Stellaria holostea. These flowers attract me thanks to their petals. Petals as if divided into two parts, and this is similar to a star. The flowers of this plant are painted in white tones, they are rather small.
Therapeutic Rathenne
Lanceolite starfish is endowed with very valuable healing properties, while with the therapeutic purpose it is recommended to use the herb and juice of this plant.
Alyssum murale
Loose clusters of tiny, yellow flowers (most in terminal corymbs) cover the plant in late spring. is a perennial herb. with tiny yellow flowers and narrow leaves found in the southern and northeastern ranges of Oregon. It is native to Southeastern Europe.
Thank you very much for sharing, have a good day and a great mood