Gliding in Sea with the Gentle Giants

in blurtography •  3 years ago 

"Harmless Giants of South Cebu"


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Hi and Hello Everyone!!!

Welcome to another backpacking adventure with "Uwanderer". As mentioned from my previous post (Gibitngil Island). We will be visiting one of the Cebu best kept secret in the southern part of the province.

We are heading to Moalboal, one of the mainstream Municipality of southern Cebu. Moalboal houses one of the best experiences of a life time. Being Upclose to the gentle giants locally know as Butanding or Whale Shark.

I know what you are thinking. SHARK!!! Yes, boys and girls we will be meeting face to face with a real shark. But this shark is know of the most harmless sea creatures as they feed only to planktons.

So rest assured you will not be eaten alive.

To give you a glimpse of harmless they are please see the photo's below.

Heading to the feeding area


"Upclose Greetings"



"Gliding in the open sea with the Gentle Giants"


Thank you for dropping and reading this short adventure backpacking journey. See you in my next post.

All photos presented above are owned and copyright by @uwanderer

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