
in blurtography •  4 years ago 

I went for a quick walk while Lulu was busy at Jeannes Salon to see what I could come across, most of my recent walks have been in parks and trails and nothing much there for a Market Friday Post, so lets see what I came up with

Starting with this sign for Pauls Service Center, it had an old aged feel to it so I went with a mono edit to go with that aged feel

MF signs5.jpg

Sony A7iii 172mm F7.1 1/1000 Sec ISO 100
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I mentioned Lulu was at the Salon so here's a shot of the sign for the Salon, I think its a pretty cool design

MF signs4.jpg

Sony A7iii 54mm F7.1 1/125 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Down the road I saw this sign for KFC, one of a few of them in this city, we had KFC yesterday actually from another one of their locations, we shared a shocked Pot pie, which I must say they do so well

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Sony A7iii 240mm F7.1 1/320 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and sign for one of the local banks, we had some issues with getting the final payout for selling our house in CT and had to open a local bank account here, we didn't use this bank as it happens we went for Santander which has a branch quite close to our house and many ATMs around the city so it worked well for us, fortunately that helped to resolve our receiving the funds for the house, we were getting a bit tight on funds so that was a relief.

MF signs2.jpg

Sony A7iii 136mm F7.1 1/320 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And a sign for wash world a fairly bit laundromat in this area where i was walking, back when I was single I used a laundromat a lot, was home so little I didn't have time, or for that matter a washing machine then so it was convenient, but I cannot remember the last time I went to a laundromat must be a few years ago.

MF signs3.jpg

Sony A7iii 240mm F7.1 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

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Cool. From time to time I see some vintage signs from a place that is out of business. I am going to make it a point to start shooting them.