a walk around Acushnet Sawmill

in blurtography •  4 years ago 

a walk around Acushnet Sawmill

We have done a few walks around this little trail recently, my wife loves this spot and the fall colors are coming out nicely, so this post I will share a few shots from a recent walk there.

Starting with a shot as we walk down one of the trails in this spot

WW acushnet sawmill4.jpg

Sony A7iii 29mm F6.3 1/125 ISO 320
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And another spot on the path looking at some of the colors on display isn't mother nature amazing

WW acushnet sawmill3.jpg

Sony A7iii 29mm F6.3 1/320 ISO 100
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There are a couple of swans who love this pond/waterway as well, I am hoping one day to get shots of them taking off or landing, On Monday we were watching them for a while but they were happily floating, as we were walking away I head them taking off, birds do love teasing me like that

WW acushnet sawmill.jpg

Sony A7iii 240mm F6.3 1/125 ISO 200
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Its bene nice seeing the colors changing each time we visit there,

WW acushnet sawmill5.jpg

Sony A7iii 53mm F6.3 1/320 ISO 100
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and finishing off with this shot of a spot I stop and check out each time we go there a little stream, its so claiming just standing over it and soaking in the view

WW acushnet sawmill2.jpg

Sony A7iii 24mm F6.3 1/125 ISO 100
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