Pomegranate tree and flowers

in blurtography •  4 years ago 

There is a pomegranate tree in front of our house. We planted about a year ago from the pomegranate tree. Even before this, the pomegranate tree had flowers once. Then I saw only one flower. But the flower falls on the pomegranate tree.




This time the tree has caught five flowers so far. Maybe later this will transform from flower to fruit. It was raining that day, I noticed pomegranate flowers. I saw raindrops on the pomegranate flower. This is an extraordinary natural beauty. Whenever it rains, nature takes on a new look. Everything is filled with greenery and a serene atmosphere prevails all around.






Pomegranate photography

  • Model: TECNO CX Air
  • Flash: No flash
  • Focal length: 3.5 mm
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