SkyBuds Organic Grow Room Living Soil Experiment #78

in blurtography •  3 years ago 

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Strain Name: Freakshow / Macrizzla / Reese MacflurryStrain Type: RegularStrain Breeder: 7eastgeneticsGrowing medium: SupersoilGrowing Ferts: EWC & Compost Tea & Top Dress


With the end coming for all 4 plants in the tent, I have found some spots that I think are PM but I am not 100% sure so I am proceeding with caution and ready to chop any day now. Sadly this is a few days early but I would rather a few days early than open my tent to a plant full of PM when I got a plant that is still 3 weeks out.

The orange is slowly coming out on both plants but the freakshow still has a few extra days.


The DR Grin is so slow like I said many times it just won't stop stretching and now is past the light in week 7. I was thinking I could grow one of this outside but I am thinking that's not going to happen. Where I live 10-12 week strains never finish but man it would be so huge. Maybe I can send a seed to someone that has longer summers and see how it can grow.

DR Grin

Special update that I have now ordered more AUTO flower strains, I am hoping to plant new seeds after 4 weeks and then 1 per week and just keep pulling a plant weekly. So I went on over to @bifbeans and got some Ghost Toof S1

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