Backyard Buck (8 photos)

in blurtography •  3 years ago 

As I glanced out the kitchen window I caught a glimpse of a large buck strolling around behind the shop. I decided to grab my camera and see if I could get a few shots of him before he wandered off. Here are the results of that endeavor.

I was really impressed by the size of his neck.
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From where I was standing I couldn't get a good view of what seemed to be holding his attention.

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He really didn't seem to be paying much attention to me and what I was doing.

Suddenly he lowered his head and began walking toward me...

and then I saw what his real target was. These deer had come into view and I figured this is what he had been fixated on. Each time he approached they would scamper away a bit and he would turn his attention to another one.

Here he his making another approach to one of the other deer.

I took one last shot and decided it was time to go back in and let the deer do their deer thing. 😀

Please feel free to make comments or ask me any questions about this post.

Photos taken by me, @oldmans, with a Nikon D3300 and some Lightroom post processing.
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