The Love Story ❤ Once Say Love ❤ #Part-4

in blurtography •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is well. I shared a love story with you today. I hope everyone will like it. Let me know how it went, by commenting. Let's read the story.



Writer: @naimbhuiyan

Kavya starts the car .... both of them are silent .... suddenly Tisha says ... !!
Tisha: Were you out ?? I mean when I left .... you weren't there then ... !!
Kavya: Yes, I was out .... I got a call .... By the way you .... Why did you run like this ?? I mean, what happened inside ??
Tisha: Nothing !!
Kavya: Ok if you don't want to say .... I won't force ... !!
Tisha: Hmm ... !!
Kavya: Can I be an identity ??
Tisha: Yes I am Tisha .... Tisha Islam Nabila ... !!
Kavya: I am Kavya Ahmed .... I have been in London for so long .... I came 2 days ago ... !!
Tisha: Brother Riyadh, what is yours ??
Poetry: Riyadh is my friend .... actually after going to London .... no contact .... I had the number .... I lost that number .... I mean that phone ...! !
Tisha: Oh !!
Kavya: Do you study ??
Tisha: Yes in Inter 2nd year ....
Kavya: Well how many more minutes will it take to go to your house ??
Tisha: It's a little ahead ....

Meanwhile, Tisha leaves without saying .... everyone is looking for Tisha ... !!
Boat: Where did it go ??
Rhea: Not here ....
Rup: Aunty, what should I say ??
Seeing them worried .... Tishan, Robi and Riyadh came ... !!
Tishan: What happened ??
Rupee's Tishane is getting angry !!
Rup: Even if you don't know what happened ....
Tishan: Why are you talking like this ??
Riya: I can't find brother Tisha ....
Riyadh: What ??
Tari: I can't find him ....
Tishan: Since when ??
Tari: When that aputa .... proposed to you .... we were all watching .... then there was Tisha .... then I didn't look .... then we searched .... but nowhere here. .. !!
Tishan also got worried this time ....
Tisha: Ohhh no Tisha loves me .... and I accepted Neha's proposal in front of her .... she didn't do anything in anger ?? Damn it what to do now ?? [In mind]
Robi: We should find out ....
Riyadh: Yes !!

Meanwhile Neha came ....
Neha: Do you feel that way ?? Is something wrong ??
Tishan: Yes, I can't find my sister ....
Everyone is surprised .... Tishan never says who is Tisha ....
Neha: Your sister ?? Your sister is beautiful ....
Tishanah and my cousin Tisha ....
Neha: Ohhh my god then find .... let's find me too ... !!
Tishan: Yes, let's go ....
They searched everywhere for Tisha .... They searched everywhere in the house .... They also searched the parking side .... Tisha is nowhere .... How can there be ?? Tisha has gone home ... !!
Neha: Well, he did not go home ??
Rup: How can that be ??
Tishan: Why ??
Rup: He didn't bring his car .... we came in my car ... !!
Tishane is angry now ... !!

Tisha: Where are you Tisha ?? Where can I find you? Where else can I find disgusting ??
Rup: You don't have to look ....
Tishan: You shut up and this Tisha .... once I get her .... slap her straight .... she was rude and will stay ... !!
Riyadh: It could be Tishan ... he is in danger ... !!
Tisanah will be in danger ?? When danger sees him, he runs away ....
Neha: Why are you saying Tishan like this ?? She is your sister ....
Tishan: Yeah unfortunately he is a sister .... otherwise I have gone ....
Rup: You have done a lot of good work .... you don't have to ...!
Neha: What is Tishan saying ?? [In mind]
Tishan: I won't look for it anymore ....
Neha: Not like Tishan Ride .... they are very different ....
Neha let out a sigh ....

Tishan: Who am I talking about mommy ....
Rup: You will think ... !!
Tishan: What to do ??
Tishan calls Tisha's mother ....
Tisha's mother says yes Tishan ....
Tishan: Mommy is actually Tisha .. !!
Tisha's mother Oh Tisha ?? Tisha is gone ....
Tishan: When ??
Tisha's mother is a long time ago ... !!
Tishan: Ok ....
Tishane's body is burning with anger ....
Rup: What happened ??
Tishan: I saw how big Fazil ??
Rhea: Why?
Tishan: It worries us here .... He has gone home !!
Rup: What ??
Neha: I said before ....

Tishan: See what I do to him ....
Rup: Well, let's go now ... !!
Neha: I go too ....
Tishan: Can you go ??
Neha: Yes, I can .. !!
Tishan: Ok ....
Rupah boat income .. !!
Tishan: You brought the car .... I also brought it .... Who will take another car ??
Riyadh: Put it on the parking side ... I'll take it tomorrow ....
Tishan: Ok .. !!
Then they lowered the boat and they came home .. !!
There is no sleep in Tisha's eyes .... she remembers those scenes again and again ....
Tisha: Why did that happen ?? I love Tishan so much .... I can't forget even if I want to .... Is love to be forgotten ?? Not to forget .... I love Tishan .... so I will not forget .... I will never forget anything .. !!
Thinking about all this .... at once both eyes come to light .. !!
Tisha goes to college in the morning .... Tishan also goes to Riyadh .... Car from home to college .... Get out of the car .... !!
Tishan: Neha you ??
Neha: Are you here ??
Tishan: I am studying in this college ....
Neha: I haven't seen it before .. !!
Abani: Neha and Tishan Bhaiya ....
Neha: Yes, my boyfriend .. !!
Abani: What ?? [Shouts]
Tishan: What happened ??
Abani: No, nothing ....
Tishan who saw Tisha sitting in the distance .. !!
Tishan: You stay, I'm coming ....
Neha: Hmm .. !!
After going to Tishan ....

Abani: What are you talking about ??
Neha: What ??
Abani: Tishan bhaiyya means your boyfriend ??
Neha: Yes, yesterday I proposed to him ....
Abani: But you are Neha .. !!
Neha: Please leave it ....
Abani: Ok .. !!
Tishan snorts and goes in front of Tisha ....
Tisha: You ??
Tishan hurriedly .... pulled Tisha from sitting and made her stand .... Tishane's eyes are red .... this means she is angry .. !!
Rup: Brother, what are you doing ??
Tishan makes Tisha shave .... slaps her hard .... everyone looks at them .... Neha also leaves .... Tisha is standing with her hands on her cheeks .. !!
Neha: What did Tishan do ??
Tisha: Why did you kill ??
Tishan: Doesn't everyone like to worry ?? Why isn't Eli saying Fazil girl tomorrow ?? You know how much we've been looking for you ....
Tisha laughed when she heard this ... !!
Tisha: Are you looking too ??
Tishan: Yes, I found it .. !!

Tisha: Ohhh my god so .... do you love me too ??
Play Tishan Vyabachaka ... !!
Neha: He loves you ....
Tisha: Then why did you propose to him ??
Neha: You mean ??
Tisha: I love Tishan .... that too from 2 years ago .... why are you kebab me haddi ??
Everyone including Tishan is surprised ....
Tari: What is Tisha saying ??
Riya: I didn't know .. !!
Rup: I knew love .... but I didn't know it 2 years ago ....
Tishan: Tisha has been in love with me for 2 years now. [In mind]
Neha: Who loves Tisha Tishan ?? That too from 2 years ago ?? What happened? [In mind]
Neha thought of something again .. !!
Neha: No, I can't leave Tishan .... I can't leave for me ....
Tisha: Tisha let him go .... I love you ....
Neha: Tisha and you are brothers .. !!
Tisha: You shut up .... Tisha say something .. !!
Tishan: Tisha Stop this nonsense ....
Tisha: I will not stop .... I love you .. !!
Tishan got angry and slapped Tisha on the other cheek ....
Tishan: Didn't I rain you ?? Never say that again ?? Neha is my girlfriend .... I love her .. !!
Tishan takes Neha's hand and brings it .... Neha and surprise ....
Neha: Tishan loves me ?? Oh God then what am I ??

Tisha: Let's go to class .. !!
Tisha thinks ... as if nothing happened ... !!
They go to class and go out ....
Rup: Who do you love brother for 2 years ??
Tisha: Yes, that is your brother .. !!
Tisha runs away ....
Tishan: Are you again ??
Tisha: I don't love Tisha .. !!
Tishan: Tisha from here ....
Tisha: Please say love .. !!
Tishan: Just shut up ....
Tishan leaves from there .. !!
Tisha: Today or tomorrow .... you will love me too ....

Will continue ....

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