Cloudy road photo report

in blurtography •  4 years ago 

My favorite activity is taking photos from the car window and my blog will tell mostly about these trips. Most of all, I like to drive in rainy weather on bad roads. It turns out very beautiful or it seems beautiful to me, but you can think otherwise.

Моё любимое занятие - фотографировать из окна автомобиля и мой блог будет рассказывать в основном об этих поездках. Больше всего мне нравится ездить в дождливую погоду по плохим дорогам. Это получается очень красиво или мне кажется красивым, а вы можете думать и иначе.

Here is the beginning of the path. For a long time I didn't turn on the "wipers" to admire these drops on the glass, which made the usual landscape amazing.

Вот начало пути. Долго не включали "дворники", чтобы полюбоваться этими каплями на стекле, которые сделали обычный пейзаж удивительным.

This is our autumn.

I see this tree most often when I spend the summer in the village, and in autumn I say goodbye to it

Now this landscape also seems to me nondescript, but on the way back, when the sun appears, it will become completely different.

Behind these trees, Apple orchards begin, but they are still young and it is not interesting to photograph them

Behind the gardens begins a pine alley, which is good in any weather.

And here, at last, let dirty, but cheerful fence after sad landscapes.

We just went to the grocery store and while we were there, the rain stopped and the sun came out, which was unexpected and even pleasant.

The way back along the road that glittered in the sun was also beautiful. All is well in variety.

Everything that was previously nondescript became bright and joyful.

Which of these roads do I choose next? )

See you again on my tracks!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It is interesting to observe how the road and its perception change. We are children of the sun after all :)
Интересно наблюдать, как меняется дорога и её восприятие. Всё-таки мы дети солнца

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

не, мы просто солнцепоклонники )