Random Flower Photography

in blurtography •  2 years ago 

Hello Blurt Community. How are you all here?

Few more days, this month will end but I'm not satisfied with my performance this month. I had so many days where I just slacked. I'm doing nothing instead of making a blog here but sadly, laziness strike on me that made me absent for days.

Yesterday, I was planning to write a blog about my fifth month journey here since yesterday I turned fifth month here already. But I just let the day passed without writing any so no blog was published.

Today, I conquered this lazy self and decided to write and share this beautiful flowers that I captured last Sunday after our PTA meeting in school.


Here's the first one. Three fully bloom rose and a little bud at the center. The third rose was not that clear but happy that it was still included in the photo. It's very rare for me to see roses blooming next to each other so I was glad that I get to see like this.



I am not sure what is the name of this but based on my research, it was called Garlic Vine plant. It was si beautiful. Different colors of the flowers in one plant. I was not the one taking photo of this flower, it's my eldest son. He knows that I love taking flowers because I will post it in my earning platforms so he helped me in capturing it.


The next one is this beautiful rose. We were about to walk straight back home but when I saw this pink rose, I immediately stop and take a photo of it. Of all those photo taken on that day, this is my favorite. Not only because it's beautiful but also because of the color. I like rose with dark colors. For me, it's more attractive than those that are having light colors. Are you also like me who likes dark colors than light ones when it comes to rose?




The last flower is this what they called "larkdaisy" flower. I am not sure for it's name, I just get it through the plant identifier website. It's my first time seeing such flower. It's really beautiful. How about you, do you like this kind of flowers?

Since I turned five months yesterday, I want to thank everyone who had made my four months journey amazing. Now that I turned five months, I hope you are still with me in this month.

Happy Five months to me.

Thank you for reading!


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