"Squirrels Animal".

**Galaxy M20**
Squirrels Animal
It is a kind of animal. These animals look different in different species. These animals are usually small or medium species. These animals are called squirrels. Squirrels are usually mammals. These squirrels can be seen almost everywhere.
They usually roam in different fruit trees. They usually live by eating different fruits. They use their front legs when eating. Any food enters the mouth with the front foot. Their hind legs are clawed with the help of which they can climb different trees.
There are different types of squirrels, such as squirrels, black squirrels, red squirrels, etc. Squirrels are more common in forest trees than in domestic fruit trees. There are more squirrels in the hills.
In fact, since these animals depend on more fruit, they are more numerous in places where there is more fruit. Although these squirrels are small in size, their ears are erect and their eyesight is keen.
Even small words can be detected from a distance. They naturally try to look at distant objects by lifting their front legs up and their hind legs. These squirrels can also run fast.
They also have two large hind legs from the front to the hind legs so that they can jump. They jump from one tree to another. These squirrels have a long sloping tail on the back and lots of thick fur on the head of the tail and the tail is also slightly curved.
There are as many species of squirrels as there are different types of hair color in each species. Their hairs are very smooth and depending on the species they are thin or thick.
Among these species is an interesting species of squirrel called the squirrel squirrel and they are attached by hairy skin from the front legs to the hind legs.
The bodies of these squirrels are usually elongated. Smaller species of squirrels are usually about 8-12 cm long and weigh much less, weighing about 20 grams.