"Dragonfly Animal".

**Galaxy M20**
Dragonfly Animal
It is a kind of animal. Insects of this species are insects. These animals can be seen everywhere, especially on the fly. However, when they go to the countryside, they can be seen sitting on the grass or flying in the same place in a swarm.
These animals are called dragonfly. However, many times these dragonfly animals are also known by some other names such as darner, devil’s arrow etc.
These insects, daragonfly, usually belong to the Odonata order. There are many species of these dragonfly animals and each species tends to look different but their structure remains the same.
There are also different colors. These dragonfly animals are found in ponds, rivers, lakes, etc., they are found mostly in water bodies because their larvae live as nymphs in aquatic places.
The eyes of these dragonfly animals tend to be large and compound in nature. In addition, their bodies are elongated and have strong fins on both sides of the body with the help of which they can fly.
The last part of the body of these dragonfly animals is long, slender and soft in nature. The back is so soft that it breaks with a slight pull because I have seen these dragonfly animals holding hands.
When these dragonfly animals sit on top of something, their wings are seen to be horizontal and right angled. Moreover, like other insects, they have legs but cannot walk.
They usually have 6 legs. However, their legs have thorny spines that allow them to sit on any stalk. Dragonfly animals have thick heads and can rotate at any angle.