This is my first post on Blurt. Since I have an interest in photography, I decided to start my first post with that. Here is an image of my cat I did with my phone last year.
Hope you like it and there is more to come for sure!
This is my first post on Blurt. Since I have an interest in photography, I decided to start my first post with that. Here is an image of my cat I did with my phone last year.
Hope you like it and there is more to come for sure!
WOAH, nice cat, man!
Receive a warmest welcome to the blurtimals community and the blurt blockchain, I hope you feel very good about us.
This photograph of the cat is beautiful, congratulations.
Let me give you some suggestions, to be curated by the community of blurtimals in addition to sharing wonderful photographs of animals, you must add a text that talks about the animal that you expose, at least 200 words. and use #blurtimals as the first tag.
I will be waiting to read your next publication.
Receive our best wishes.
Good vibes.
Got it!