Nature, life and lives of the landscape are the perfect majority of photographic test

in blurtography •  2 years ago 


Nature, life and lives of the landscape are the perfect majority of photographic test fields and the entire scale is equipped with its own settlements. I will discuss the main topic in this article; Opt.


All the known difficulties in full-scale photography stem from the basic fact that we shoot from close range. Extending our topic is therefore of the utmost importance. The ability to increase a particular focus point is expressed in their findings, but I would say that few photographers understand the importance and implications of this task. To understand the idea of ​​extension, it's all just a brief look at how you can create a photo booth. Each point in a given scene reflects light rays. The first component of the camera's focus "captures" these rays and then centers them on the image sensor, leading to the projection of the scene into the sensor area.


If your subject (s) fills the edge without editing, it is not difficult to decide on the extension of your topic and the senses of the camera, which is located in detail in the details of the Customer's Guide.


What occurs if the subject is similar in size, all things considered, as its projection? In the event that we shoot a 1cm fly and its projection on the sensor estimates 1cm too, the amplification is 1:1. The 1:1 proportion has a significant importance for full scale devotees. In fact talking, full scale photography implies taking shots at an amplification proportion of basically 1:1. Along these lines, a 'genuine' large scale focal point can deliver an amplification proportion of 1:1, or higher.


Allow me to do this one step to call various vocal point producers in relative use of the term, and joyful magnification enlargement for amplification 1: 1. This is a business strategy and you can have less that you are charged with large points of focus points, which They can only put clearly, clearly resulting from such voice points, and it is normal to stick in higher changes to these vocal points using discretionary supplements. If you are looking for a steady scaling point, how it can be, you must bring specifications for Gander specification; Most of the "real" perfect measuring vocal points have a "full scale from 1: 1" displayed in the pistol. Who removes all uncertainty.


There are cases (e.g. photos above) when we want to take photos with a gain that is more pronounced than 1: 1. These so-called "terribly large" amplifications may be represented by unique foci or other devices, and I will examine how this is done in a future article.

Photos from my author

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