Photography - The Pink Roses / Fotografie - Die Rosa Rosen [EN-DE]

in blurtography •  3 years ago  (edited)


Hello Blurters!

In this prose, we are featuring the queen of all flowers, the rose. Instead of using images from third party, @mers allowed us to use her photographs to depict the beauty of the pink roses. Hope you enjoy this post.

The Pink Roses

...all through the days what I can see...
is the mesmerizing beauty in front of me
your scent are such loveliest that I could smell
of all glimmering flowers I am under your spell....


...though your green leaves are lovely and lush
i have to be careful not to bear the flush
Joyful have I been, that you´re here fast
your perfect beauty truly is a big blast...


...spring is here, so let april blast the mellow showers
earth as thirsty as it seems, it should fill the bowers
and you roses may thrive in full power
the maidens are happy to see you by the hour...

indeed, you are the queen of all flowers...!


Hallo Blurters!

In dieser Prosa geht es um die Königin aller Blumen, die Rose. Anstatt Bilder von Dritten zu verwenden, hat @mers uns erlaubt, ihre Fotos zu verwenden, um die Schönheit der rosa Rosen darzustellen. Wir hoffen du genießt diesen Beitrag.

Die Rosa Rosen

...was ich den ganzen Tag über sehen kann...
ist die hypnotisierende schönheit vor mir
dein duft ist so lieblich, dass ich riechen könnte
von allen schimmernden blumen bin ich in deinem bann....


...obwohl deine grünen blätter schön und üppig sind
muss ich mich hüten, die röte zu ertragen
glücklich bin ich, dass du schnell da bist
deine vollkommene schönheit ist wahrlich entzückend...


....der Frühling ist da, also lass den april die sanften schauer sprengen
die erde, so durstig sie auch scheint, sie soll die lauben füllen
und deine rosen mögen in voller kraft gedeihen
so freuen sich die jungen mädchen stündlich, dich zu sehen... der tat, du bist die königin aller blumen...

* * * * * * * * * *

Original Text @blurt-fishes... all images- courtesy of @mers. Originaltext @blurt-fishes ...Alle Bilder sind mit freundlicher Genehmigung von @mers.

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Herzlich willkommen bei unserem bunten Haufen! Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start und nette Kontakte. @mers hat dir wohl schon einiges gezeigt, immer gut, wenn man anfangs jemand kennt der schon länger dabei ist.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

voted your witness keep it up!

Thank you sir, I appreciate your support very much. I am also thankful to @mers for introducing me to Blurt.
Congratulations to your witness!

With pleasure. And please excuse me, I thought you speak German.

Voted you as one of my witnesses

I speak english only... but @mers said to me I should translate my prose to german because we have large users in Blurt who are germans.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I love roses, too! What a beautiful prose about @mers roses, the two blended well in this post, meaningful prose and the roses perfect shot, sweet pink my fave.

I am glad you like this post, thank you so much for the support.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi there blurt-fishes, nice having you around welcome to Blurt.

Thank you sir, I hope we could contribute good contents here.

It looks very beautiful. Love it very much. 🥰😊

Thank you so much.!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I love how you describe the Rose flower in poetry. They say that Pink Roses are more fragrant than any other color, maybe it is true because there seems to be a more prominent sweet smell in Pink Roses. Don't you think so? Thanks for sharing.

Thank you s much for a wonderful info, I did not realized that they are the most fragrant of all roses?! I swill have to see next time they bloom.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Beautiful rhyming of words that penetrates to the inner feeling of the poet.
Thank you for sharing.

Many thanks for the lovely comment and for dropping-by.

What a beautiful product of nature I had saw today, A beautful roses

Thank you for dropping buy and for your wonderful comment.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome @blurt-fishes, you give me a beautiful pink roses today.

Thank you, the images are so nice they are best as described by my prose.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome on Blurt and thank you for the witness vote.

You are welcome and thank you sir! You were suggested by @mers to us. I have reckoned from the Filipino Community that you published the Blurt FAQ, we have to read it fully since we are new here in the platform. Actually, we only wanted to invest and maybe do a bit of curation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

very beautiful roses for sure