Mission:Duck recipe-a very tasty duck recipe

in blurtography •  4 years ago 


Suddenly in the afternoon, it rained on the edge of the torrent. It went on and on for a while. With the sudden arrival of rain, my mind was attracted to some special news. My favorite recipe is always ducked meat curry. So today I decided to make duck meat curry. I went out with my favorite blue scooty to buy ducks.



After going some distance with the scooty, it suddenly started to rain. Then I can't think where to take shelter. Suddenly I noticed that there is a way to escape from the rain under a closed shop. It was fifteen minutes. It was very loud and loud. There was a sweet sound of rain all around. I was very eager to get wet in this rain. Because it is very difficult to avoid such temptations.



Suddenly I saw a frog coming out of the bushes beside me. Intoxicated by the smell of the new rain, he also came out to see this amazing view of nature.

After that, the rain stopped. I started scooty again. The purpose was to buy ducks. The duck shop is 20 minutes away from my area. Finally, I reached the desired duck shop.



I wanted to buy two ducks. The shopkeeper wanted two ducks for $ 10. I agreed to buy two ducks. The shopkeeper started processing the meat of the ducks.

At first, the two ducks were beheaded and killed. Then the two ducks were immersed in boiling water for 8 minutes. After that, the two ducks were brought out of the water. It took about 40 minutes for the man to do the dressing. Then the body of the duck was lightly yellowed and burnt in the fire. In this fire, the test of the meat increased a lot.



Then he gave me a packet. I paid the price of duck and I came back home.

Let's start cooking. I shared this salty curry recipe of duck below-


Ingredients required:

  1. 1.5 kg of duck meat
  2. Oil 200 gm (soybean oil)
  3. Like the amount of chili powder
  4. Like the amount of salt
  5. Like the amount of yellow chili
  6. Like the number of hot spices
  7. Like the amount of cumin powder



First, you have to wash the meat well with water and keep it for 15 minutes so that the water comes out of the meat. Then you have to marinate the meat very nicely by mixing turmeric powder, salt, and cumin powder and oil. Heat the oil. When the oil is hot, pour the whole meat in the pan. Then cook the meat very well for 20 minutes.



When the meat is tender, pour the same amount of water in it. Then cover it and leave it for 30 minutes. When the broth is thick enough, spread hot spices on it and take the meat off the oven.

Then you have to serve hot. You have to enjoy the taste.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  
