Beautiful southern beaches and living creatures on it , sunny days

in blurtography •  7 months ago 


Beautiful southern beaches and living creatures on the beach

Hello dear friends
The south of the country is really beautiful and amazing. I have a document for this, and that is the presence of living creatures on the beach
We don't have such creatures in the north of the country and there are only fishes, but in the southern ocean we have all kinds of creatures and different types of fishes in more species, and the water of the southern sea is much more lovely for me.


Big and small crabs are resting and I photographed this one while it was basking in the sun
But he noticed me very quickly and crawled inside his shell
You have to be very careful to walk on such beaches because you may step on a few crabs with each step and sometimes you can hear them crunching because they are all alive and are home to one of these funny creatures.





shiny ocean

The scorching sun shines continuously and warms everything
In this sunshine, the sea has become bright
To be safe from the scorching sun, we have to wear special clothes, hats, and covers, but I love it



can you see ?

can you see the turtle head on the water ?
they were really cute and for breathing we could see them for seconds
it was like a funny game


beautiful life

Some time ago, I was watching a documentary from China and they had agricultural lands in excess of water and they cultivated such algae.
I was thinking to myself whether these algae are edible or not. If I was sure, I would have tested them.
We don't use algae as food here, but I think it's a really good source of food and I could use it if I was sure, but I don't know what kind.




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Beautiful pictures