Back greeting all the best friends still in good health always and success.
Hopefully there is no boredom between us.
Kembali salam semua sahabat terbaik masih dalam kesehatan yang baik selalu dan sukses.
Semoga tidak ada kebosanan di antara kami.
Bees were my target this time, but it is very unfortunate, I only got one picture in this shoot. This bee has flown away invisible. This is all I can say, I'm also confused about what to say, my finger stopped suddenly. Yes, I'm in a state of confusion. Sorry and thank you.
- Lebah adalah target saya saat ini, tetapi sangat disayangkan, saya hanya mendapat satu gambar dalam pemotretan ini. Lebah ini telah terbang tanpa terlihat. Ini yang bisa saya katakan, saya juga bingung harus berkata apa, jari saya tiba-tiba berhenti. Ya, saya dalam kebingungan. Maaf dan terima kasih.*
The work you accomplished is very good, I like the photograph of your bee.
The approach you gave gave the bee a lot of prominence...
thank you friend, greetings from me.
terima kasih teman, salam kenal dari saya.
You have been manually curated by @blurtography, Please come join the blurtography contest today.