I do not deny the existence of the beast inside my head ,
I control it ,. the energy not wasted on it makes human contact less complicated .
I do not deny the human instinct to reproduce , as nature gave it the base .
But is seems these days that reproduce is forgotten , and anything can do .
And if the instinct does not reproduce , the organism will have no future .
Simple logic .
It will fall apart in just 3 generations .
The remnants of that will role with the cycles and expand again .
The sooner the better , for i seem to be carrying the new bitcoin ,
something very well needed to reproduce again and so expand again .
building a future is building one for future generations .
Nature demand this for a organism to thrive , survive .
Above it ,. way above for very well knowing what it is .
And what it is mend to do .
BTW ,. your permission comes from your natural right to speak free .
I can technically not give you something you already have .
Do appreciate the transaction posed to me to give permission very much thank you .
You may ,. by the forces of nature , and me , for what ever that is worth , take a pis out on me some day .
But it better be funny ,. and make the spirit of humor proud .
I always like some fun entertainment yes .
..It's a two way street - just the same as if I say something and then trip up - piss taking is an opportunity to learn (depending on a persons snowflake status)
...Always try my best , matey ! lol