RE: The origins of the problem with modern psychology in the west...

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The origins of the problem with modern psychology in the west...

in blurtnews •  22 days ago 

True!!! I once had a conversation with two psychiatrists. I complained about psychology, because it commands us both to love ourselves, and to constantly look for the hundreds of "mental illnesses" that could afflict us. External forces are on the look out for our faults, too: teachers, parents, doctors and especially other parents. We are told very specifically how to look for these afflictions, these illnesses, but given only the vaguest ideas of how to love ourselves. "Just do it!" they say.
The better to medicate you by, my dear.

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  ·  21 days ago  ·  

Yup , it's a psi -op (intended or otherwise), to replace the feebleness encouraged in Christianity, through the mechanisms of psychology - and it's worked.

We have billions of young people that are determined to stay victims forever and be miserable all their lives, navel gazing inwards to find 'happiness' (thus encouraging other disorders like narcissism).