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  ·  20 days ago  ·  

it's hilarious that a 200year old drawing has somehow become the iconic -almost a literal - symbol of 'something' supposedly over 2000 years old !lol

..not just by degree- but by perspective.
look on blurt for example - people who want to curtail free speech, not discuss reality, and love nepotism and being part of the collective - see me as 'evil'
( the nasty wasty man! lol)...

I see people who have the opposite values (or lets be honest, no fucking values at all), who LOVE repression and do not value meritocracies - as being evil.

My truth is far more powerful than there's - And they know it - that's why they detest me.
Evil is weak, by definition - it has to rely of 'good' to even exist.

  ·  20 days ago  ·  

Yes 100% and people are programmed to see power in evil, to gather around the fire of hell.
This is our system