There's a lot of work to be done before November the 5th....

in blurtnews •  2 years ago 

It seems that my POE concept (proof of ethics) is garnering some interest.


Having discussed it with some people (off blurt, obviously), and positing my ideas to them - and a rough 'working model' - the vast majority of individuals seems to have a resounding 'yes'.

The individuals I'm referring to are not remotely interested in crypto currency, not even POW (proof of work) bitcoin, et al.
They do seem to have in interest in applying my concept on DPoS platforms, however.
(again, nothing to do with crypto, per se- but more to do with the conflict that lies between DPoS governance models and to see if the building of ethical models are more powerful than the herd mentality, tyrannical governance model, that we have.

It's all very interesting!

I thought that November the 5th might be as good a date, as any, to launch the initiative.
(and seems to have some kind of historical synchronicity, doesn't it?)

Obviously there's quite a lot of work to be done before then, but that's fine - as most of it is fun and educational.

This is very much a 'work in progress' so over the coming days and weeks I'll be posting various elements of the POE project, not necessarily in any cohesive order, but rather to present the underlying philosophy behind it, and the practical steps needed to implement it.

WHAT IS DPoS governance?

I think we all know how it works by now.

It's digital feudalism - in it's structure, and total lack of accountability by those who have the responsibility to maintain it - while still profiting.
The rewards system - like the feudalistic structures in the middle ages - is also disturbingly similar.

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As I said, it's similar - while not exact.
The dynamics, roughly speaking, are close to identical.

It's about the movement upwards, with no ethical framework required (or wanted) by those residing at the top of the hierarchy.

POE changes this model.

How so ?

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...because the feudal model promotes 'mooar blurt' at the expense of ethics and merit.

The feudal model - absent of ethics - encourages nepotism and circle jerking with no account of quality or effort.

How to establish a new system that doesn't encourage rewards based on 'what's in it for me to get moooar blurt ' but rather 'that post has value'...

Change the mindset !

It's all about perspectives.
Rather than seeing blurt as some financial instrument cash cow (one that at the moment is dependent on 'the greater fools theory' more than meritocracy - or anything else - as far as I can see).

Why not CHANGE perspectives?

( Do I hear the painful scweams of the blobbynasgul, or is that just my imagination?)


IF THE GROUP OF PEOPLE ADHERING TO THE ETHICAL RULES OF POE (such as only using , to be able to be in the POE initiative) ARE BOUND NOT BY TOKEN PRICE, BUT ETHICS - the blobbynasgul feudalistic style of governance comes to a halt (really!).

If the POE initiative is NOT BOUND by token price, but something far more valuable - ethics and effort, then slowly, and over time, the entire structure will take on an entirely different feel to it.

Not only that, but the POE initiative, over time - will help weed out the authentic players from the charlatans.
(your upvoting blurt has no power in the POE initiative, - apart from - and only by - showing an appreciation of value).

I'll tell you about the final, most interesting part, in my next post - the ultimate power over the blobbynazgul.
And why those who see 'playing the finical instrument game' as all important can still win - but on the POE's terms not the tyrants corrupted mindsets.
(as well as those playing the POE initiative game).

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The terms for growth will no longer be dictated by those with no ethical (or creative) talents.

'but they have all the voting power, how does this change anything?'

It really is much.... MUCH simpler, than you would have ever thought....

Ethics requires morals, morals require a fortitude of mind, and principles trump avarice....

Or so I believe.
DpoS, and web 3.0?

Nah, DPoS and proof that human beings with ethics, trumps the narcissistic, greedy, megalomaniac.

Or not.
We shall soon see, won't we ?

Maybe November the 5th is too far away, maybe the 3rd of September is far more exciting?

'Remember, remember, the third of September...yeah, that might do the trick...'



Fuck Klaus Schwabs great reset, lets have our own !...and reshape the putrid DPoS blobbynasgul, avarice orientated stakeholder capitalism, into something worth keeping - once and for all...

I hope you enjoy the next post as much as me..
Let the revolution begin... (after lunch and nibbles, obviously)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Change the mindset !

It's all about perspectives.

I imagine a penguin speaking in front of vampires and wolfs .
Convincing them it will profit in the end to turn all vegan .
By telling that , after a few years , there will be the biggest meat harvest ever .


I could guess, but my imagination is a bit dark at this moment .

I better shut up and wait for it .


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I imagine a penguin speaking in front of vampires and wolfs .

Wooohoooo ! - They can't touch me. They know it , I know it , and they know that I know it.

Convincing them it will profit in the end to turn all vegan .

You can't eat anchovies and be a vegan. ...get a grip, man! lol

By telling that , after a few years , there will be the biggest meat harvest ever .

Vampires and werewolves need to eat to you, you 'damned soul', fascist !
(they just need to learn a little self restraint - self discipline and not greed, is an intrinsic part of living an ethical reality).

I could guess, but my imagination is a bit dark at this moment .
I better shut up and wait for it .

Oh, never, ever, shut up! ..lolol

I'm not sure whether to lay some peripheral, ethical framework around the 'THE MECHANICS OF HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS TRANSITION'

The simplicity of it may be too much for some to grasp (without said framework in place first, to use as a reference).....Ironic, I know.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are you gonna teach table manors and ethics ,. to vampires and wolves ?
Like sip from the cup and use a fork and knife ?

Well if you think that that will break the heresy and bring some change for the good ,
you have my support , for i know the importance of NOT putting a knife in your mouth .
When to fork and that the spoon is not really there .
All thing that make one a decent person at the dinner table .

But if that will be enough to stop feeding the war machine ?

'damned soul', fascist !

Yes , Lucifer is strong in me , and confess , i have a weakness for when pretty woman dress up in uniformity and dance around as a army of lovers . So thanks for the compliment .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are you gonna teach table manors and ethics ,. to vampires and wolves ?

Nooooooooooo....they will convert back the non damned, or accept the table rules. They don't have to like them, just go along with them.
Avarice makes the swallowing of bitter pills an unpleasant, but necessary, experience.

Yes , Lucifer is strong in me , and confess , i have a weakness for when pretty woman dress up in uniformity and dance around as a army of lovers .

That's a strength, not a weakness (that's only what 'they' want you to believe.)

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Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Winter is coming...

Yes i know , and how it reminds me , that something inside of me longs back to the Aegian Sea .

Buy he' who knows , i might end up in that place again one day in this lifetime .
Witch might even be sooner as that i dare to dream .
i see options , and time will tell
if the waves offering to take me there will be able to flow true
If so ,it is gonna be some epic journey again
And i will cross the Alp's ones again

And if not , i am good where i am , spending a other cold dark winter in my broken down old city bus .
In this little Viking town fighting against extortion by imaginary fake governments and for freedom in choice for all individuals on voluntary principals .

Where ever i stay or go , there will be challenges , there will be hidden things and heresy's unknown to me in all the good people i will encounter true life , i will suffer , i will endure pain , and by awareness i will find common ground on ethics to spread love and joy .

Witch to some might seem like a pathetic try to change the world .
But he' what else to do when you get bored and have nothing else to do .


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