It's ALL about time....Anything else is just play acting...My reply to Out Of The Matrix... Part 1

in blurtnews •  last year 

Time is the only thing that we, as a human beings, possess.

We use our time on this planet, yet have no control over when the ONLY ASSET THAT WE POSSESS, leaves us.

So, the question becomes 'What are we, as individuals, to do with that time?'

No one can decide that for you.
It is your personal responsibility, and it cannot be delegated to another. (employment is a voluntary action).
Even slaves can choose how to use their time as they wish, be it obeying their master, providing minimal input, or even rebelling against them (the way you choose to spend your time is -100% - on you).

Now we have that philosophical and intellectual truth laid out, lets move on to the reply that @outofthematrix in response to my post yesterday.


...hope to see you on 'the light side' soon! (MY words)

I don't see the necessity for sides.
With 'sides', you support the principle 'divide et impera'. That isn't my path!

This is intellectually dishonest. I do not think he is being intentionally dishonest, I think it's a result of not thinking things through in a structured way.

Before I reply to this opening line, let me try to help him with how to formulate structured thought processes.
First of all, it;s important - VITAL - to understand that your thoughts and opinions are separate to the person.
If you choose to identify with any thought or opinion as being an intrinsic part of you - You then become attached to that thought or opinion.
This then makes any criticism of that thought or opinion, a personal attack. (the inability to separate your thought an opinions form the self - the ego - is VITAL - if you are to establish clear thought processes.

Looking at the jpeg above, you can see that an expression of THE MANS reality that is not based in truth, and will encounter opposition.
TRUTH will oppose 'the lie'.

The Penguin is not the message, just the messenger of the truth.
How the person who states the cup is blue handles that truth, is THEIR responsibility.
It is NOT the responsibility of the messenger.

How that person reacts to the counter argument of the cup being red, not blue (a delivered truth, over a lie) very much depends on whether or not the person who's saying the lie is attached to that thought.
If they see the thought as being a part of them (no separation between 'a thought' and 'the self' -ego), then the counter argument becomes personal - because to the man who has identified the cup as being blue is HAVING HIS STATED REALITY CHALLENGED.

The ego feels like it is being attacked, when in REALITY, it is nothing of the sort.


If you look back at my numerous arguments on blurt, you will find that I attack the thoughts, opinions and concepts, not the person (mostly)
Where as Ad hominems are an attack on the person, because the person doing such SEE'S THE PERSON AS BEING THE SAME THING AS THE THOUGHT
That's how they would see the criticism to an objective lie (blue cup/red cup) - the inability to separate the thought from the identity.
The psychological reasons behind this 'mis placed attachment' will be gone into in much greater detail, but it's not the place to do so, in this post

Ok, so back to the reply (this might turn into a series multipart posts - @outofthematrix 's reply has enabled me to expand on many things of fundamental value, and why it is time to 'change the game' - so thanks to him for giving me the opportunity.).

I don't see the necessity for sides.
With 'sides', you support the principle 'divide et impera'. That isn't my path!

Outofthematrix has his own business (according to him, and I have no reason to doubt that he is telling the truth).
As a business owner, you provide a service or product to a customer.
As a business owner, you are CHOOSING to on ONE SIDE of a transaction ( provider / customer).
As a business owner, you are taking a side in this dynamic.

'Taking sides' - just like hierarchies - are an intrinsic part of being human.

Ego (therefor), to state a philosophical position of I don't see the necessity for sides. is intellectually dishonest.
As a business owner you are - in real life - taking a side.
If something is not philosophically and intellectually in alignment with your actions ('actions' in the context of being on social media platform, being the words, images, and video's you create), then your argument becomes an invalid one.

The philosophical position of - I don't see the necessity for sides. - while activiley taking sides - is intellectually dishonest.
It's hypocritical.

Before I go on to every part of his reply, in details - it will be interesting to see how @outofthematrix, chooses to take this post so far.
If he see's the thoughts and opinions given in his reply aa an intrinsic part of his identity - of who he is, then he will see this reply as a 'personal attack'.

If he is unable to differentiate the difference between a thought of his, and his identity, he will be triggered emotionally.
One response to that could be personal insults. (ad hominems), as he see's everything I write as being attached to 'the me'.
This is an incorrect perspective.
My thoughts are not attached to 'the me' - they are simply energies thrown out into the ether, to be ridiculed, dissected, examined, and added to the library of collective knowledge.

'Being right' or being wrong, is immaterial.

My pursuit is the finding of truths.

If 'being wrong' is part of that journey - then great !...It means that I have learned something.

If 'being right' is part of that journey - then great !...It means that I imparted 'a truth', to another human being.

I have the impression, that for you it is with you or against you.. Very dogmatic regarding this, but that is your path..

As you can see from this next sentence - it is all about the 'I', or the 'you' - not about a specific point or thought.
I am, and will always be - on the side of the pursuit of truths, regardless of where that takes me.

The 5 year journey of mine, in the untangling of the DPoS gordian knot is one example.
This then led me to TGoMT - The Game of Moving Thrones.


Because I THINK that my truth is just that - A truth.
Because I THINK that a truth is, and will always be - more powerful than a lie.

A ponzi scheme - either intentional or unintentional - is A LIE.


(I'll address the philosophical, intellectual, ethical, and moral aspects in more detail, in other posts).

BECAUSE I THINK it is a lie, and BECAUSE I think that truth is more powerful than lies, it's 'game on!'
...Just like intellectual rigor insists on a detachment from 'the self', and your thoughts and opinions, so to with this.

As I've said, the war is already won - the gordian knot is unraveled.
I look forward to playing the game, going forwards.
I will be enjoying watching how the battles and strategies unfold.

My armies are not my armies at all.
My armies are truth and integrity.

I am merely acting as the messenger boy for them.
In humility and servitude.

The armies of lies, duplicity, and faux narratives that belong to 'the ponzi' - are weak by comparison.

Truth nourishes itself, and needs no defenders.
Lies, like needy new borns - need constant approval, attention, and nourishment to sustain themselves.


' My army of truth ' (not my army, just helping out), is stronger than 'your army of lies' (very much your army)....sides, again.

Just can't seem to get away from choosing sides.

It happens every day, in every opinion or action that you execute.
Dealing with the philosophical and intellectual reality of things, is a great way to grow up (spiritually, psychologically,mentally, and emotionally...

I upvoted you with @curationcoconut, because you had some effort with your work, and that is definitely worth an upvote, for the sake of it, even though I don't have to agree with it.


Perhaps @outofthe matrix could be so kind as to help people understand who are reading this (and myself)....

WHY did @curationcoconut suddenly start upvoting my posts now?

I have put more effort into creating my posts day in and day out on blurt, pretty much more ANY OTHER creator. (choose whatever metric you like, whether fact, fiction, funny, intellectual,philosophical...etc)

So...WHY NOW ?

I'm genuinly interested as to the motivation behind doing so when, historically speaking - I have received NOT ONE upvote from @curationcoconut up until these last 2 posts. (I'm pretty sure not one)

My posts have not altered re: time, effort, work ethic, content, style.

So WHY the shift in now appreciating my efforts, but never before?

I have my own theories on this, and they will be delved into in much greater detail on other posts.

It only seems fair to give the accounts change of strategy in this regard to my account, the opportunity to tell us all first. (before I give my opinions as to why).

I will actually explain that to you more precisely:
You simply don't practice what you preach... You ridicule the price of Blurt falling? But you yourself sell ever single Blurt you get?

I ridiculed 'the leadership', the 'lack of any coherent strategy', and the possibility that the ponzi scheme was entirely unintentional due to the fact of 'lack of balls, or brains' from 'the leadership'

.... if you think that the price of blurt falling 94% in value (from it's all time high), is not worthy of ridicule - 'leaders' and witnesses alike - you are picking a side (those damn sides!) of supporting the status quo.

.....this is the losing side in my game - which is very different than 'the token accumulation game'...

You want to have a strong community but don't upvote anybody? Don't support anybody?

I support lots of people..?

BTW supporting the people here is a responsibility,

Indeed, this is correct.
Supporting and receiving benefits from a person who calls for the purchasing of war machines to kill people is a great responsibility to shoulder.
I wouldn't have the strength myself, to carry that burden - My morals and ethics would simply not allow it, they being far superior to any token allocations, rewards, and approval from thoe higher up in the blurt hierarchy.
(again, this issue - the moral choices one makes at a cost to personal integrity and inviting more psychological weakness on oneself because of a misalignment of values will be gone into much greater detail in other posts).

I agree with @baah, when he says: 'never invested anything in to the system, still feels entitled to whine about the price.'

If time is the only thing we own (it is), and work is TIME+EFFORT - then this is both an intellectually dishonest, and weak statement.
How so ?
'Investment' is TIME and EFFORT. (unless your moral and ethical compass is based firmly in blurt tokens and price).
...That being the case, then I have - and continue to do - PUT MORE INVESTMENT INTO THIS BLOCKCHAIN THAN ANYONE ELSE ON IT.

USING TIME + EFFORT = value as the metric - show me one single other account that does more?
You can't.
I know this.
You know this.
Every reader on the chain, knows this.

Free speech does not involve any 'entitlement'.

It is not a privileged, it is a RIGHT and not under ANY approval from any human.

Free speech just IS.

Just food for thought... ;)

If you would ever like to really feast, I'd love to help you out, my friend. (no sarcasm).
I think you have an ethical code, but a very poor ability to form sound judgement.
This can be remedied, with WORK , effort, and conviction.
(it would be a pleasure to help you out in this regard).

You seem to be starving from a lack of cognitive structure, and the INCORRECT association of your thoughts and opinions as being the same as 'you, the person.'
If you can learn to detach the two, you are on the way to becoming more self aware, more emotionally mature, and possessing far more intellectual power than you have at present.

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

my 'coinmarket cap report' coming shortly - I will show you how you can profit, while 'starving the nazgul'...

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  ·  last year  ·  


my 'coinmarket cap report' coming shortly - I will show you how you can profit, while 'starving the nazgul'...

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

lolol - stop stealing my gifs you ! lol

I'll post it later- with every detail.
(if my math is out a little, it's because it bores the hell out of me, all those pesky calculations but you will get the idea.

After November the 5th, I might be offering the trading service for free for any accounts that want me to do it for them (i have some experience in this stuff).

I did this on hive many years ago, and made everyone good profits (ask @smallaxe1 or @frot if oyu have any doubts to my abilities/integrity/honesty.
I did it all for free and then transferred the tokens back each week in the accounts that were involved.
(all on the blockchain, total transparency - you can go look on hive if you like - I have no idea when i did it - it might even have been back in the steem days...)

Let's see.
But first, I'll give you THE FACTS....(all the available data I used is on coinmarket cap, if you want to double check)

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

lolol - stop stealing my gifs you ! lol

So I await the coming of this invent, I'm kinda interested!

I'll post it later- with every detail.


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

....have a giggle !
(and make sure to follow me on @lucyreloaded as well!)

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  ·  last year  ·  

Love it. Took "time IS money" to a new level.

So this brings to question myself, where is my time being allocated mostly. Thibking into it. I see various locations of my daily life that could use some adjustments.

This post helped me be reminded of that.

Aside from that, and off topic sorta, and on a deeper personal level for me, I have this issue.

How to improve my writing. How to take notes effectively, essentially, what correct steps to take to make my final work as perfect as possible within my ability.

I have read many articles on do this and do that and I sense there is still something missing from all of these lectures i have read online.

I want to improve my blogging career. Period.

I know reading alot of one of these steps. Writing my thoughts on paper. I carry a journal everywhere I go and jot down notes that spring to my head.

Anyways. Was curious to see how you organize your thoughts on paper and see how I can integrate that into my own practice of it helps me.

Cheers brother.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Do not improve your writing , do not focus on that .
Go , live life , laugh , cry , experience joy , experience suffer ,
Get lost , find your way back , read some books and absorb common knowledge .
Watch and see how things turn .

After al that ,. there is no need to improve your writing ,
Experience will have made you rich in many things to write about .

Time , like lucylin said is important , take it , never push it .

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Also, if it be a real red colored cup, the cups color has nothing to do with what the cup is. Hence saying, the cup is blue or red or pink has zero merit in saying what that cup is. Rather, it is only stating what it looks like on the surface. And some peoole are color blind too. It could very well be blue, to him.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

You touched on an important point here. We should not tie our beliefs to our egos. I reserve the right to change my points of view given new information. I should admit if I am wrong about anything. Most of what we know to be fact, is second hand knowledge, and that's okay. Most of the time we cannot verify everything we learn. These include the age of the Earth, historical events, and the shape of the Universe or certain laws of physics.