Good to see things are as corrupt as ever...lolololol....How dim are some people?, seriously ...

in blurtnews •  2 years ago 


I wonder if this post will get nsfw'd on blurtblog?..lolol..the mind boggles.

Obviously I can't mention the account because I'd get accused of...some bullshit or other....
Oh fuck it -opidia.

lllp - Copy - Copy (2).jpg

Obviously I can't mention the account because I'd get accused of...some bullshit or other....
Oh, fuck it -opidia.

@blurtbooster is rewarding this pointless content every day - One very poor quality meme with the same copy paste to fill up the rest of the post.

The screenshot above is for her last post.

Several thousand words of copy paste with a few words of her own.

96% plagiarism.

And @blurbooster is rewarding this idiocy.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with her powering down and then stopping, and megamoron saying she'd get lots of upvotes if only she doesn't sell her large a stake.
I'm sure that wasn't the reason at all.

I'll tag few peeps to bring it to some witnesses attention.
If platform is rewarding this kind of crap - and plagiarisms - what message does it send ?

I'm sure there are witnesses who do not wish to see this kind of nepotistic, low IQ behavior - it will only drive the token price in one direction....


I don't care any longer, myself.
This is for information purpose to be used elsewhere.

I DO care about people being ripped off though.

I have total contempt for the psychological weaklings that encourage this kind of behavior.
(upvoting this shite by @blurtbooster, is encouraging it, would you say?)

Is it time to blacklist/COAL this account?...lolol...Yeah right....this place is getting a very poor reputation, methinks... - and the world is seeing...
Losers are gonna lose, eh ?...


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96% plagiarism, 100% Coal

Fake but private funds, md can vote anything he wants

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OMG ! ,.. some got caught up in the spells of a Bruxa .
And non of them is a witcher ,.. so i consider them lost .

Then again , horny idiots have no value , so nothing really was lost .

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

have some more lolololoooololol , as that seems all we can get from blurt .

Let's see them wiggle their way out of this one .,,
I bet , hiding in their basements and letting it blow over .
To bad , as i really would like to have some debate on this issue .
In a peaceful civilized way ,.. like i always do .

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....just wait until you see what else I have....

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There putting up stakes ,.. and might be reviving @bullywatch .
Or what ever they are doing ,.. but fore sure non will come out to play today .

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lolololl...just wait until you see my next posts over these coming days....(website building time, allowing)....lolol...

llll - Copy - Copy (2).jpg

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So posting plagiarized content is the way to the richness? ;)

LOL just been over to Drutters post to see all the action. Hilarious. I woulda missed it if not for this post. Now that's networking

Posted from