It appears that my recent 'allegory posts' seems to have touched a nerve with two accounts on Blurt - which is very illuminating for all to to see.
Both on the platform, and (more importantly for me) , off the platform.
The NON egocentric individual (with just a modicum of intelligence) knows full well that to try and defend an defensible position, is pretty dumb.
The egocentric narcissist who feels psychological pain, however - is driven by rage, and has a lack of any emotional self control - and visceral hate of those who they see, as being the cause of their pain.
...It's NEVER their fault, dontchya know?
The thing about allegories is that they can ONLY RESONATE with the reader if there are truths within them to the reader .
For example:
If you're not aware of the existence of the color read, you could never even attempt to discuss it or be influenced by it, now could you ?
...And so it is with 'the allegory'.
It seems that Blurts very own Tweedledum(b) and Tweedledee have read my posts.
So well done guys!!.... I know that you're reading this post as well (you little tykes, you just can't help yourselves..).
Thanks again ! never fail to jump through the hoops that I lay out in front off you.
This, in itself, is very illustrative of actual actions behind the words.
Spending the time reading a person posts that 'has no value', would truly be an exercise in stupidity.
Ergo, and in the absence of any stupidity - it must be for another reason instead.
'narcissistic supply?', 'masochism ?, fear of losing control ? (of the narrative).
A very obvious case of “You're so vain/narcissistic/egocentric, that you probably think this post is about you", as it were.
These two posts are part of a much larger work not published on blurt.
A kind of 'How to find and expose the narcissist in your midst for your own benefit', series of works. (off blurt).
To me, this is kind of like having you're very own 'voluntary free labor', (or VLR – Voluntary Lab Rats).
... 'Thanks for playing'.
Thanks for participating, and for doing so in such an enthusiastic fashion.
Nothing excites a narcissist more than feeling omnipotent, feared, and to a certain extent respected by their victims. For people with this character disorder, control is like a drug and gives them what they need to feel completely untouchable. When we deepen our understanding of their traits, we soon realize that they’ll never choose to become what they consider is a ‘normal person’, or willingly relinquish control.
…..Narcissists are always very careful in regard to whom they spend their time with and will never willingly associate themselves with people who see through their facade, and especially not those who are bold enough* to open their eyes to their unacceptable behavior.
*...mutes me, but then spends time reading and commenting in my own works, for example.
And don't they just hate it when someone stands up to them and points things out?
I wonder where exactly, these two posts 'touched them'?.
The psychological pain.
Where is it in the allegory, that they self identify so strongly with the characters in the story, that is stirs such an emotional response?
It's all very illustrative to the discerning reader.
These posts serve to help others (off blurt).
They assist in being real life, real time, working examples.
To be able to shine the spotlight onto narcissistic behaviors.
Not to identify full blown NPD - narcissistic personality disorder.
(Although is may go some way to help in this, also).
Going off the responses from Tweedledum(b) and Tweedledee's quite the defensive tirade, it can only be concluded that the psychological pain was so intense that any emotional self control was drowned out by the urgent need to express.
And thus by engaging so, illustrating the underlying pathology behind the mask.'s all bit ugly...
I hope this serves as a clear example of just how easy it is, to trigger such toxic (and insecure) personality types.
With only a few pointers you can have the tools that will enable you to confirm any suspicions that you may be having (about your friends, partners, or someone else in your life).
And how to manipulate them to your own advantage, instead of the other way around....
With the correct tools at your disposal you can 'turn the tables' on the manipulator, and profit from their very predictable - and boring - behaviors.
It's often said that the best thing to do with a narcissist personality in your life is to get away from them - and as fast as possible.
This is very wise advice....
I take a different approach - but only when it comes to online social media.
'To Know Your Enemy, You Must Become Your Enemy'
What I offer are the tools - to 'become your enemy' - ....temporarily.
While the sad existence of a narcissist is never something to attain to ever be - in terms of online interactions you can do the world a great service by pointing them out to the unaware - but mentally healthy - individuals.
Part of that may require you to "become the enemy' - as I have done many times.
(by using Saul Alinsky's political/psychological strategies, for example).
Out manipulating the manipulator can be great fun if you approach it in the correct manner.
But only if you have the right tools.
To be able to 'look into the abyss' without the abyss being able to swallow you right up.
I'm a tool maker of sorts....
Blurt is neither the environment - nor the market - to provide such tools in - but it IS a fantastic microcosm with which to illustrate to others such personality traits.
It's also an excellent working model for those who feel that they now understand the tools, to give them 'a test run' if you will.
(and to profit from the exercise while doing it!)
These personality types are, in some ways, some of the easiest of individuals to manipulate to your own advantage.
The predator now becomes the prey.
...(and all very unknowingly of course).
Intelligence levels are irrelevant.
You just have to apply the various tools differently, is all.
I had the misfortune of growing in a nest of these psychic vampires and as such - Will spend my life exposing them to as many people as possible.
I know the very real effects 'up close and personal' of individuals possessing such personalty traits.
So those who wish to benefit from my experiences, and years of studying this phenomenon - are more than welcome.
I see the social media space as being the perfect gladiatorial arena for doing such.
"...I love the smell of a narcissist in psychological pain, in the morning..."
And what a bonus!!!....'re able to benefit yourself and the world just by being your authentic self !
A very Righteous* - and most virtuous - kind of profit...
*Those lacking any self awareness and with strong narcissistic traits see those who DO exhibit moral and ethical foundations as a threat.
Having a sense of humor - having a soul that rejoices - is very much a part of this.
BEAR IN MIND that to 'them'...'WE' are 'The Orcs'.
(and this is why 'they' need to use gas lighting techniques to create false narratives for the easily led).
After years of study - I'm not convinced that those who have strong narcissistic personality traits and without any strong sense of self awareness , are even capable of changing.
Without self awareness - it's not who they are - it's what they are.
As such - and if true - then what the rest of us NEED to recognize pretty damn quickly - is the urgent requirement for 'us' to stop pussyfooting around and see/expose them, for what they are - and act accordingly.
(or just let the world continue in it's downward spiral, as it is currently).
'A leopard can never change their spots' as they say.
So those who wish to go 'big game hunting' online - and DO recognize 'them' for what they are - can do so.
But now armed with the moral and ethical shields - weapons that that those exhibiting such toxic personalities, absolutely - DETEST.
Once you understand the pathological drives, and once you have the tools, and once you can fully understand that they are not - nor will ever be- the same as you - it can become a very rewarding experience !
'To Know Your Enemy, You Must Become Your Enemy'
As distasteful as that may be, it' s only a temporary state.
Ya gotta get down and dirty and in the trenches at some point'.
But with the use of the right tools it can be rewarding... (if not very 'nice').
Think of it as rather than 'becoming the enemy', you're donning the skin of an ex-leopard and using it as a camouflage to gain advantage.
To not do so - is to CHOOSE, to not do so.
Choosing to NOT use an available - and potent - weapon against the narcissist ?
Well...that's a goddamn stupid strategy !
I'll leave 'stupid' to the those that excel at it.
It's their natural level of competence, after all.
And I for one just can't compete in such an arena.
The gas lighting narcissist would like to have you believe it is THEY in the majority.
This is a lie.
The reality is that for every one hundred authentic, non-mask wearing, individuals - there are only around 18 people with toxic narcissistic, personalities.
Everyone has some degree of narcissism.
This is an essential component for anyone, to be psychologically healthy.
The lack of having any self awareness or ability to self reflect in respect to your own narcissism - is the issue.
And the problem.
OMG....How much time do you spend thinking about me?
I'm really flattered, but also really creeped out.
I would appreciate it if you found another subject to write about. You're making my girlfriend really uncomfortable.
Egocentric, much ?
...So you're blaming me for her emotional state ?
How does that work then?
Sounds more like it's you who's uncomfortable about being exposed - and projecting it onto your girlfriend (poor girl).
A crazy idea for a insecure narcissistic personality to do, I know - but just thought I'd mention it.
Do you really think this all about you, and not psychology?
Grow up.
Yes, you're super creepy. You creep a lot of people out including my girl.
He is obsessed with you buddy. It can't be overseen... He is negatively obsessed with anybody successful here not crawling into his dumb arse...
I took a moment to think about how exciting it must have been for you to get a reaction from from Tom or I. Looks like you just orgasmed all over this post.....lets just put it this way....enjoy it while it lasts ;)
There's nothing exciting about getting a reaction from two adult men children. ( incredibly boring and predictable).
I provide the hoops, and you two jump through. It isn;t difficult.
This has nothing to do with blurt, but a wider audience concerning behavioral psychology. @small1axe just said...
Those two little kids are reason this chain is going down ,. no one wants to join a platform with that kind of childish shit going on . They are so unaware on what kind of bullying dictators they really are .
....that would imply being excitement -hardly a response you'd ever elicit from me.
Sounds like you little tykes have plans for more censorship, then.
...That should work out well...
All the power i have is the power they gave me .
High trees catch a lot of wind , but also give a lot of firewood .
Firewood to sell and make good profit on .