The crypt of DPoS crypto - part 2 - Body or Soul ? .....

in blurtnews •  10 months ago 

I'm really enjoying myself making these series of vids !
It's already taking on a life of it's own, re the story line...
I love how that happens when you're creating something.

In this part, we see how some things are far more valuable than others...

Hierarchy of values are funny, aren't they?

Assuming that you have an hierarchy of values of course.

From my own subjective view on life, and not very encumbered by social conditioning, religious indoctrination, or the current mind cancer of 'muh libtarded progressive-ism', I see populations mired down in dogma, ideology and fear.

Fear makes a prisoner of the self, and generally caged in by thoughts not of their own making, but ideas instilled by others.

The problem with unconsciously allowing yourself to become a prisoner of other peoples ideas, is that no matter what cage you've put yourself in, the prison guard that you've allotted to patrol your own consciousness - is called fear.

Fear doesn't discriminate, it see's no gender, skin color, idea, or anything at all really.
It has a quality all of it's own - and one that superimposes itself across all other parts of your life.
Like a cancer running through your body, infecting every cell it can..

With fear comes the lack of joy, the lack of enthusiasm, the lack of ...fill in any positive quality you like, it's all the same...

Love has no fear of fear - it doesn't exist in that realm - but fear is scared shitless by love, because 'the cause of death' of fear , IS love.

Clean your head - learn to laugh.
Don't... be ....scared.


I wonder what fears lie deep in those that refuse to engage?
I wonder what ugly demons lurk in their unconsciousness, compelling them to 'mute, mute, mute it's too painful'.

It isn't love saying that, that's for sure.
Love fears nothing.

Question of the day :

Why are all the new age 'spiritually enlightened ones' all so scared of life?
(or rather, every single one that I've ever met, which is quite a considerable number)
Why are they all so narcissistic?

What makes them soooo fragile ?

Fear - masquerading as somethng else...

It's NOT love - that's for sure.


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  ·  10 months ago  ·  

If pretending something ,. do not start believing it is real .
The main problem with those new age spiritual enlightened ones .
They think what they pretend is real .

I never think the things i pretend at times are real .
I know that most of the time i am just a great pretender .
Pretending is for me a kind of test on reality ,. to see how far it will get me .
While at the same time i stay very aware of my own pretending .
It is how i in the end gained many skills ,. for when your pretending hits reality ,.
you better be ready to fly the plane and land it save .


  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Knowing the difference is to maintain mental health - not knowing, leads to 'problems', shall we say